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Cage cleaning


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Good question lets see what the members use. I use a brush and some dishwashing liq... Or I use Milton they used it to disinfect a baby's drinking bottle or an baby items so I guess that if it is baby safe then it should not be of any harm to our birdies.

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Guest Lidia

I clean the cage every day using plain old washing-up liquid which I then rinse off thoroughly (you have to be careful no matter what you're using) so that no residue remains.

I take the grid out, clean that, and replace it. I put paper beneath the grid (where Joshua can't get at it) so that rather than having to clean the bottom of the cage every day (a hefty cage, hernia inducing), I just need to lift layers of newspaper off when I remove the grid for cleaning.

I wipe the rest of the cage with a dishwashing sponge. This is also fine for removing poo, congealed food and other yummy stuff. Just make sure to clean the sponge so you're not growing bacteria on it (I pour a kettlefull of boiling water on it after each use).

I'm a believer in not making things too complicated and not having to have too many steps in the process (that also means not buying specific parrot cleansing stuff).

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Guest briansmum

i was using poop-off like snoozy, but the smell can be a a bit much, but there is a nontoxic to birds orange cleaner on 24parrot.com which i use now and it has a nicer fragrance than poop-off, it is just a water solution in a mister bottle, so nothing that can interferre with their respiratory system.

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I do the elbow grease method too - I use a wet disposable cloth to wash down the cage and base, then use a scrubbing brush for any stuck-on bits - it seems to do the trick. I only wet it all thoroughly when I know Casper can be out of his cage so it can dry off before I put it all back together and put paper back in the bottom



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Yeah, I think its good to clean out the cage every so often with a high pressure hose. I am constantly changing around Kips toys to keep her busy and used to change, so no problem there. Must be challenging if you bird does not take to change well, but I say keep trying. The more you work with them on that the more accepting they will become (in theory) ;)

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when i clean her cage i have to be quick cause she is very cage agressive a 5 minute job can be an hour job when doing anything at all with her cage, i did try putting her at other end of the room while i do cage but she just flys back over

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Guest Lidia

I'd love to take Joshua's cage outside for a good pressure cleaning with water. However, I would be immediately run over by manic motorists (and/or equally manic pedestrians).

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I remove the toy's and cups, leave the perches and Parrot inside the cage (Conure, don't have my CAG YET) and roll it out on too the patio.


The reason the Conure stays in, is He loves a shower. So I first spray a fine mist into the air over the Cage , let it just sprinkle down and and he just squawks, fluffs feathers, puts his head straight up and catches water drops in his beak and enjoys for about 5 mintues.


Then I set the nozzle to Jet position and spray down the perches and grates from outside the cage obviously pointing the jet below the top most portion of the cage where "Jake" Stays on the highest perch.


He loves then just staying out in the Sun in his cage for about an hour and just sings, preens himself and has a good time while I dry off the cage.


I am not sure how tis will work with my new CAG once I bring him hme, but we'll see :-)


I do this once a week.


- Dan

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