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Ear Wax


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I've noticed for a few months now that the feathers around one of my AG ears was a different color . . . today it seemed to be a little darker than before so I took another close look at it and it looks like ear wax. Inside the ear there is a tiny amount of ear wax also. I'm not sure if I should take her to the vet or if this is something normal.

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I was thinking it could be some type of infection too . . . I hope that its not because then she would have had this infection for about 4 months now. I would think that if a bird had an infection for that long that it would be having some serious issues. Its definitely gotten worse though because before when I inspected her ears, it didn't look like wax at all. I just figured the feathers were a slightly different color.

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I took her to the vet yesterday and she looked at some feathers, from around here ear, under a microscope to look for mites. She didn't find any and concluded that it must be a fungal infection. She gave me a solution to rub around her ears twice a day for ten days. The vet also said that Juliet is probably molting, but is definately chewing on her feathers. She said she's had remarkable results (with feather plucking and chewing) with this herbal rememdy. She didn't have any in stock, so I will get it next week. When I get it I will let you know what its called and if I also see "remarkable" results =)

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It's good news to hear she has been diagnosed and started treatment for the ear issue.


In regards the Herbal remedy, it will be interesting to hear what it is and how it works.


Thanks for the update. :-)

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