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Head Shake & Food


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Does anyone's Bird do this when he or she is with you and wants your food..................Talon will give one quick shake of her head when she wants what you are eating, especially at meal time. Sometimes she adds a short little whistle at the same time. If you don't share with her, she'll do it over and over again until you feed her some of what you're eating.


Does anyone else's grey do that???? :blink: :blink:

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Not that exactly, but Kip definitely has some specific body language and sounds she makes when she wants some of your food...plus she'll boldly come over and try to help herself if she is anywhere w/in striking distance!! :P They all can develop their unique ways of communicating! Amazing little beings.

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Bekkie starts making noises if she sees the food, and when she had enough formula or porridge, she turns her back on you, she hates it when you clean her mouth with a cloth after she ate, just like a little child when his momma wipes his nose

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Guest briansmum

they can have small amounts, say as a treat. cheese has calcium in it which obviously greys need. everything is good for them in moderation. just like us.<br><br>Post edited by: xxbeccyxx, at: 2007/06/26 12:55

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Casper's habit when he wants food is to stand on his T-bar on one foot, while chewing on the toenails of his other foot, and with his wings slightly extended. He switches from foot to foot, but getting more and more excited. Its really cute. If I don't get something to him fast enough he then wanders over to make sure I'm not ignoring him.


He's also developed a clever habit when he's having a drink - he doesn't have a water dish in the lounge, so I regularly give him a drink from a glass. Once he's had enough he gets the rim of the glass in his beak to push it away. Although once he did try to bite me THROUGH the glass when he was in a bit of a grump!


As for the cheese - i think its the lactose that they can't digest. And it does pretty nasty things to their poo!



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Well, I guess Talon is just a little strange in the food dept. She MUST have what we are eating, and if we don't go get her at lunch or dinner time, she will come flying out to the kitchen and land on your shoulder or hand so she doesn't miss out!


Caspersmum, She does the same thing with the glass when she is done drinking, pushing it away like that. We are lucky, she will say "Thirsty Bird" when she is thirsty.:P

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