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Can anyone advise?


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Hi All.

I have been with my partner for a year and he has had Trevor (his african grey) for 6 years. In his past relationship, his ex was extremely abusive to Trevor, throwing things at his cage and screaming at him was her way. It got so bad that my partner had to lock Trevor away for his own safety. As a result of the stress, Trevor has plucked all his red tail feathers and chest feathers.

He has never been able to trust me although I do have a lot of patience for him and offer him lots of treats which he does accept. He has only just let me stroke him after almost a year, and even now he's still very nervous of me.

He attacked me last week, he flew into a window and hurt himself so I went over to him and he let me pick him up but then when he went to step on his cage he attacked me, he's never done that before - is it something I am doing wrong? How can I get him to trust me? How can I get him to stop plucking out his feathers. Please can somebody advise :)

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He doesn't like that cage when he's outside of it and doesn't like you when he is in it. he can get away from you when he's in it and doesn't wanna get away from you when he's out of it. My sufgestion is to not puthim back in the cage so quickly after he lets you pick him up. Walk around with him slowly. Talk to him softly. Let him see what things are all about when he's with you. Try to put him on a stand inside of the cage when you put him down instead of the cage all the time. Give some nuts or other treats he likes when you're holding him. Eventually, he gets the idea that being with you isn't that bad. None of these thingswere done before. The man's solution was to put the bird away fior safety reasons. That doesn't accomplishmuch. As far as his attitude when he's in the cage, well he might be at that age where he has that natural protective attitude towards his *home* in which case, you would have better results with him outside. Many people go through that situationconcerning the inside of a cage type attitude. Many other species are naturally prone to doing this even if no cruelty ever existed. The first priority is to get him to like you when he wants to. It does take time buit you need to remember that you're dealing with an adult bird that has an ingrained attitude that can't be changed very often. It doesn't apply to every bird but it does exist in loads of birds.


The plucking, the flying. A bird who has been caged for long periods of time won't fly as well as others and many get into the habit of plucking. Sometimes, a more relaxed bird who is more involved in things than before will ease up on that plucking. With other birds, the plucking is a permanent habit. Only time and different ways of dealing with your bird will give you an answer. Constant baths or misting will leave the skin softer and less itchy. There are things to use but first get him used to dealing with water and the act of bathing.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/05/07 20:51

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