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Clyde's first vet visit


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Thought you all might like an update on how he's doing. :)


Yesterday was his first visit (probably first ever) to the vet and I was anxious to get him in so we could find out what issues he might have after living in his previous smoke-filled home (and being fed seed, hamburger and sausage... and coffee - forgot to mention that before).


When I got home to pick him up to go to the vet, I was thrilled to see that his cage was drenched - he had taken a major bath in his water bowl! The more of those we can do, the faster we can get the cigarette smoke film off of him and his feathers.


He did great in the car (treated me to a new sound I think he picked up yesterday - a cardinal chirp) and when we got to the vet's, he started whistling and saying "hellooooo" to everyone. We soon had a small audience cooing over him, which he seemed to love. ;)


He went to the vet and the vet tech without a problem - no fear and seemed calm. He even treated them to some whistles.


His weight was 319 grams, his eyes and mouth looked good, vent area and preening gland looked good AND his breathing sounded good! They drew blood (he was a star, although he chewed up a towel pretty good during this) and they will be doing a gram stain test, CBC, chlamydia, PBFD, DNA (not sure he's male), and whatever else I may have missed (basically the whole nine yards). They also trimmed his nails (they were very overgrown - perching had to be difficult for him), but we decided to leave his wings alone for now to avoid adding any more stress.


Expensive! This rescued "free" bird is not so free! :lol:


On the way home, I stopped at a drive-thru to get a sandwich and gave him a small piece of bread so he could eat with me. We also stopped at my parents' house so they could meet him. I don't want him to only associate the travel cage with negative things (vet visit), so I thought that would help. By the time we got home, he seemed pretty cheerful and starting chowing down on some food.


All in all, it went as well as it could. Now we just wait for test results.



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Aww Dawn,


This is great news! Clyde could teach my three a thing or two as they are big softies when it comes to going out!


You did right taking him somewhere nice afterwards, I sometimes take mine out for a trip so its not all vet visits when the carrier comes out, ( when they decide to go in lol)


I hope the results will be fine for Clyde and look forward to hearing the DNA results.


He does sound so at ease with you, I am so pleased:)

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That sounds like it was actually fun for him! Good job is right!


May I ask ball park figure for how expensive it was? (I have cats, dog, horses.. can't begin to guess how much a vet visit for a BIRD). I have sydney's vet visit receipt/date from last year, so I know I need to make him an appointment very soon. I'd just like to be prepared for the cost. *gulp*

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As far as cost, keep in mind that he had A LOT of tests done and they are shipped to different locations (one to Miami, can't remember where the others were going) and they charged a Fedex overnight fee for one of them (to speed up getting test results), PLUS the DNA test (which wasn't necessary, but I want to know).




It was $433 and change. I can itemize it for you later tonight, if you like.


It was about $100 more than I expected. Not sure if they charge more for larger birds or not (my guess is yes). Plus, I know the rates have gone up since I last had this kind of work-up done (4 years ago when I rescued my nanday conure).


I just took a deep breath and handed over my credit card and smiled. ;)



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Thats great news Dawn and I hope the rest of the tests come back with good results too, Clyde is doing so well and you are right to take him out on other outings so he can associate the travel cage with good things and not just as a carrier to the vet.


I would seriously consider leaving his flight feathers intact, most of us here believe in flighted birds, at least give it some thought.

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I'm so glad you got yourself such a wonderful companion his previous owner obviously did a tremendous job of socializing him. No wonder he was in tears when you where walking out the door with him. Thats great that he took a bath in his waterdish to bad you weren't there to offer him a larger dish of water he may have gotten everybit of the ciggerette smell off of himself. It really sounds like everything went really well at the vet. I hope all the tests come back just great. how are his feathers looking any better since he's had a couple baths. he must have known he was going out and wanted to look his best:laugh: I hope you and him have many more fun days out and about and its so nice that he's such a lovely friendly bird enjoy him lot I would love to see some pictures when you can find the time.

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Thanks for that figure!! I would have guessed around $350.


Well I have the number of my local avian vet, so I guess I'll bite the bullet and make Sydney's appointment. I feel like I see the vet every day between all my animals. (I definitely see the vet more than I see my doctor!!! And I do see my horse vet every day at the racetrack)

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doubletefarm, I keep the vets in business also with my crew... I'm right there with you!


Tycos_mom, thanks for your good wishes. Yes, I was lucky that Clyde's previous owner had a good relationship with him. I'm amazed this is the same bird that tried to take chunks out of my hand when I first met him though! The guy had told me that I was the first woman who could hold him and not freak out when he got aggressive... but yet the vet and vet tech were women also.


I have a feeling that the change in environment is what had something to do with it. My thought is that maybe Clyde was protective around his previous owner or his home/cage (I was right next to his cage when he went after me). In any case, I'm hopeful this change is permanent. We'll see as he gets more comfortable in his new home.



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