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Help with Ants!


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I hope someone can help me out here.

Ive just got back in from work and noticed ants all over my room carpet where the birds are kept.


Ive been outside and they are coming in through an air vent. The air vent dosent lead directly into the room through the wall so I presume they are coming up through the floorboards, I cant find where.


I know there are standard ant killing powders which I wouldnt use as I know they would be dangerous to the birds. What can I do to get rid of them?


Also if I treat outside the vent with a standard killer would the fumes come in and harm the birds?


Any help is most welcome, I am sat with my feet off the floor lol, its horrible, Ive never had ants inside the house before.

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Hi Casper


I also have that problem lots of ants I take bodycream (odourless) and put it around the wheels of the stand they don't climb on any more and babypowder also works just be carefull if the CAG climbs down that he doesn't eat it!!!!!!!!


There is this new thing from Verimark can't remember the name you plug it into the wall it's safe for birds and keeps all bugs,ant,roaches ect. away in the house will get the name for you I am gonna get me 2 of those!!


But please remeber to keep the birds away form the wheels of the stand if you put cream or babypowder!!!!!

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There are some "Bird Safe" and of course people and animal safe home remedies that work.


Here's some Ant deterrent tips:


Here's some things you may want to try before reaching for that can of insecticide, depending on the application:


- Ants hate vinegar; so spray it around doorways and other areas they frequent to repel them. A small container of vinegar mixed with honey placed in affected areas appears to do the trick too.


- Baby powder will stop them dead in their tracks. It dries them up, like diatomaceous earth.


- Baking soda can deter ants - pour a solid line in areas of activity and they won't cross it.


- A ring of coffee grounds around entry ways, critter food bowls, sensitive plants etc. can discourage ants.


- Planting mint around vegetable patches, flower beds and around the house


- Quite a few people have found cinnamon sprinkled across ant scent trails to be very effective


- Citrus oil is a good deterrent; it can soaked into a piece of string and place around scent trails.


- Use a piece of chalk to draw a line over trails - again, the ants won't cross it. Chalk also has the advantage of being able to be used on vertical surfaces

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Thankyou so much!


I just rang a couple of companies up and they all use chemical products.


I have found the hole they are coming up from, shall I blast it with talc for now?


My skin is crawling!:sick:

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Use Cinnamon! It's smells nice and it has NO side effects! We get hughe Carpetner ants here on the East Coast and they hate that smell. My daughter in Cali told me about it lol


Dan- Ohhh Baby powder? oh Im gonna have to get some of that! lol even though my baby is 14 now but hey that's good to know! Thank You Dan!

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Baby powder works great, so does cinnamon, but I left cinnamon off the list because I'm selfish and like it for myself. :P


Both smell good too, to thats a plus along with the good riddance to ants. :-)

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Thankyou to everyone again:)


I have used the baby powder but will also get some cinnammon as well, we have also blocked the hole they were coming in.


What a shock today though I can tell you! There were loads of the little buggers everywhere!:sick:


Its great to learn something new everyday dont you think? I would rather use one of these methods anyway instead of chemicals.

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I've used borax in the past. I put some around the hole where they come from. For some reason they like that stuff. They take it back to where they came from, eat it and die. I use it outside in the back yard too.It's the same principle as with mice. There's certain poisons that they like, (certain small pellets). They eat the pellets, go back in their hiding spots and a week later they're dead.

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Ohhh I forgot too I use Mama safe remedys too if they are coming through a whole use... TOOTHPASTE to block it! I have been doing it fr years at least 10. When my ex husband was in the Navy one of our neighbors told me about it and it works like a charm!


Yeah they may have minty breath and a white smile{Feel-good-000200A2} but those lil bastards get stuck and die in the toothpaste too. Use the old fashioned cheap white kind. I don't use the good gel or whitening one justthe cheap 1.00 kind lol.

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These ants are gonna smell so good and have the mintiest breath in the neighbourhood lol:laugh:


Well I have come home today and there isnt one in the room!


Who needs specialists when we have got each other here eh?


Azzie, that sounds good will sort out the nest this weekend, Im sure the kids will love it;)

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These are all really great tips. I've been fighting with ants for two years now. I've tried using an ant killer called Terro that is supposed to be great- it is odorless and it's a clear sticky liquid that comes in little packs that you put out where the animals can't get to it. The ants go inside, drink the poison and take it back home with them. Well, the ants have been having Terro for breakfast, lunch and dinner for months now and just keep coming back for more. I see no decline in them, in fact they are worse now that it has been raining cats and dogs here for a few weeks. I'm going to try the cinnamon or vinegar and see what I think. Thanks to you all.

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I use diatomaceous earth. It's safe around the animals and in fact, I use it on my cat and rabbits for fleas. It dries up the little critters. It works on ants, fleas, mites, roaches, spiders, etc. It's kind of like baby powder and I spread it around and the problem is gone.


You can read about it on wolfcreekranch1.tripod.com


It's also used for internal parasites in human and animals. I always try things that repel critters but if that doesn't work, then I don't want to use poison around my animals. It's just too scary.


I had ants come in one time and kill baby hamsters I had rescued from the shelter. The poor mom was going crazy and I was able to save a few of the babies. They also went after my hermit crags. No more!

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lol@minty breath! I'm glad I could help too! Caroline im so glad those lil boogers are gone! I hate summer fr us out here because we get those GINORMOUS ants lol they scare my cat and he's a BIG ONE! Those carpetner ants are hard to kill too, I HATE summer time! :angry:

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  • 1 month later...

Well, I opened my curtains in the family/bird room this morning and they are BACK! All over the window sill which is near Jaspers cage, I was horrified!:ohmy:


I have watched to see where they are coming from and there is a gap inbetween the window frame and sill which I am gonna see if my husband Dave can maybe silicone when he gets home.


I have got rid of them all and put talc down the gap for now but it makes you feel so awful having them in the house:(


All our gardens are infested with them in the street where I live and they seem to be getting in where they can, any small hole it seems. Is this what they do? Ive never had them before. I thought I had solved the problem last time but the sneaky buggers have found another way in!

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