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Ernie spoke his first words last night


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Last night, my wife was out with friends and I was at home on the internet. Ernie was in his cage, making whistles, duck and cat like noises.


Suddenly, out of the blue, I just hear my wife`s voice saying "Erneeeee", "Erneeee"


I nearly jumped out of the chair with fright and then realised Ernie was talking. I immediately switched my phone to record and recorded his first words :)


Im so proud of the little guy :)

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Those first words are so speical and it doesn't seem to matter how old they are when they learn new word they are just as special

My Amazon said see you later mom byebye and I have never ever heard her say that before I just about fell over it made my whole day.

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Update on Ernie`s talking.


Last night he started imitating our cuckoo clock. It was so funny. I think he is catching on to the fact that when he speaks he gets lots of attention. :))


Hes getting to be a right little chatterbox now. :)

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Its on now !! ZZero really started a few weeks ago( he sais Hello a couple months back ) now hes learning new words dailey ! It is sooo fun and hes starting to put the words together into phrases in just a few weeks.

hes 10 months and hes saying ZZero ZZero, whatcha doin?, good boy/bird/parrot,ozzybourne,peekaboo and so much more, it will amaze you how fast it starts to come now!!


Congrats on the start of a exciting time!

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That must be a great exsperience.I cant wait for my baby too start talking but for now Im happy with any sounds she trys to make.Shes only 12 weeks so I dont exspect much.By the way,the telephone recording was good thinking.lol.

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