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Such a carnivore


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Cleo looooves meat, especially raw beef. She is a bit weary about sitting with my fiance, but last night when he was cooking dinner, she noticed he had beef strips there. She landed on him, scuttled down his arm and stole a strip of beef which she then wolfed down.


My question there is, do wild greys supplement their diet with meat of any sort? Bugs or grubs maybe, or worms?

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Raw beef or any other meat is not safe for them due to the possibility of very nasty bacteria residing in or on them such as e-coli or salmonella.


They do love cooked chicken, chicken bones for the marrow, cooked beef etc and yes of course they eat bugs in the wild. :-)

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I would be a little leary of catching bugs outside....you never know what sort of pesticides, chemicals, nasties they've come into contact with and could get into your grey's system. If you really really want to try the bug route, be safe and go to a pet store where they sell crickets/mealworms/etc. fit for animal consumption.

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Dhorje haha ZZero is the same way I can always tell if a fly got in cause he freezes and wont take his "eye" off it, he looks so nervous.


I personally would not catch bugs or worms from outside:sick: Just make sure he gets protien from other sources and you will be fine. Greys will need more protien while moulting. But a well cooked piece of chicken will do fine, I believe.


You know greys also eat dirt in the wild. they do sell a gravel for them but from what I have read its not neccasary, they use it in the wild to help keep their digestive track clean. I am not sure but I think it goes with eating bugs and such helps clean that stuff thru their system. Kind of a form of self medicating.


Just feed a healthy diet and your grey will be content:)

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My birds love chicken and beef but I always make sure that the meat they eat is well cooked I love my beef cooked med to medrare but I alway slice a little off for the birds and cook it a bit longer it doesn't take much and they don't seem to mind as long as they get some. Tyco seems to like it most out of all my birds bit I only give them a piece the size of a teaspoon at most and only once or twice a month. Its sort of a magor treat. Tyco will ask for chickin when she knows I cooking chicken she goes on and on about how yummt it is and she want some its yummy for my tummy she say chicken good.

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Lol I can't wait for Cleo to start talking! I *think* she's trying to find her speaking voice. She will whistle and then her voice changes. It's not quite a speaking voice, but neither is it her whistling sound.

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