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Janet I dont know how but I missed this.I am so happy for you.I am sure if anyone has a chance of turning the plucking around you can.Soloman is a beauty.I love ekkies.Please keep us all up to date on your progress and as you know we are all hear if you want any advise or support.

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Congradulations on your new ekkie! He might be a plucker but I've seen much worse and he is still gorgeous just the same. I'm sure you will be able to do wonders with him and get him back in perfect feather in no time at all. I have an ekkie and they are wonderful pets but I did noticed that you said he screamed for you when you leave or left the room. I have read and found out first hand that some ekkies do have their screaming fits. According to the book I have, the trick to keep that down is when you first get your ekkie try and keep the attention with him consistant and only spend as much time with him as you are willing to give everyday. If you start giving him more attention for a few days or a week and then want to go back to the normal routine, he might not like that and scream for extra attention. I know in the beginning you do need to spend more time with him and I certainly showered Tigger (my ekkie) with loads of attention at first but once you get the routine down it something you should try and stick to.


I am only telling you this because I have a routine with Tigger and he does get plenty of attention but some days I would just take him with much more and kind of call it "Tiggers Day" but the next day he would start his screaming and screaming and screaming, he wanted everyday to be like that:laugh: . I created a monster I thought. But he soon settled back in to the norm.


Right now Tigger will scream for me in the mornings and wants some one on one time and then later in the evening he sometimes will scream for me but for the most part he is a very quiet bird and likes to keep to himself alot. He is the lover boy of the flock here though. He is so sweet.


I hope this helps and then again all birds are different, too. I just know a ekkie scream can get pretty loud:blink: I'm sure you will really enjoy him and he's lucky to have you. Good luck and keep us posted.<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2009/05/10 21:04

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Thanks everyone!!!! This morning Sully (Solomon) woke me up with a big squawk, I am not a morning person :( . So I sang, "Good morning to you" from the comfort of my bed. He quieted down quickly, either my singing soothed him or my singing scared him to death :lol: ;) and he decided if he was real quiet the horrible sound might go away!!!:unsure: It worked for whatever reason. When I got up I did the normal procedure, "Let's get up, Lily," "Hi" to Ana and the "Hey come here, open the door" routine. When Sully hear me he started his earth shattering shriek and I said "Good morning" and told him I'll be back." And headed to the kitchen to prepare their breakfast. Sully shrieked and I started to sing "You are my Sunshine" he shrieked louder so I went back to his favorite "Good Morning to You" he stopped!!!! He must like my high notes!!!:P I misted Sully (Solomon) this morning with Aloe Vera juice, he is used to spray bathing this way so it was okay! As the morning went on when I left the room, I would say "I'll be back" and now he waits for me without shrieking. This has always worked for Ana Grey and now it seems that it will work for Sully too. I am so grateful!!!!:silly: I hate having to have Sully in a smaller cage, he is twice as big and Ana Grey and her cage is so much larger then his. I have let him out and he goes to the top of the cage and back in at leisure. Thursday can't come soon enough for his larger cage to get here. I so much like the convenience of Ana Grey's full-front opening to her cage, that I got an identical one for Sully at a $50 reduction in cost!!!:cheer: I have purchased an extra boing for Sully and his own larger toys. Because I had no idea how small Ana Grey was going to be, Sully has several toys that are now his, these were way too big for Ana Grey and now they won't go to waste!!!:cheer:


Erika and all the other Ekkie owners, I'm sure glad I have you all to help me if I run into a snag. I hope I don't drive you all to drink with my ignorance when it comes to these magnificent creatures!!! :);)


I was told Sully doesn't play with toys but he has been playing with his ball (well he throws it over the end of the cage for me to fetch for him anyway!! :P )





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Thanks for asking Cindy. Sully didn't make a sound until I opened the door to his room this morning. He does make a sounds like "Hi" and "Huh" but I'm not sure what they mean. He will step up nicely once he is out of his cage. He pins his eyes real well to let me know if he is unsure or scared. He sat on the back of my typing chair this morning. He has a great appetite and will eat fresh fruits and vegetables three times a day. He is not too much of a nut eater though. He still pulls/chews his feathers some. But I won't give up on him!!!! I spray him with Aloe Vera juice a few times a day. He has pretty much stopped his shrieking. I wish I had more experience with a plucker but I guess you don't get experience without trying.

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Sully's new cage just came!!!! It's a day early and I am delighted!!! He has spent the last three days in a ridiculously small cage for such an magnificent creature. I am so bad at putting things together, I am shameful at it!!!! I'll post pictures of my King Solomon is in his new cage and that will be as soon as I get someone to help me put it together!!!!

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Sully looks adorable! I think you're going to make a wonderful difference in his life. Would you be able to post a picture of Ana grey's cage? I'm curious about what it looks like.{Feel-good-00020114}<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/05/14 03:40

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Sully in his new cage. Sully tried a couple of times to go back to his borrowed cage, he was so use to it I guess. Once I had the old one cleaned and out in the Jeep to return to the pet shop, he was happy and content in his new home. I guess he realized it was truly his.


012-3-1.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2009/05/22 05:44

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Karma to you!for giving Butch a home.He just hadn't found that "special" person ,until now.It's amazing how

grateful rescues are,and seeing as he already likes you,

I'm sure he'll be just fine :) If you get a chance,check

out "Riley" the Eclectus on U-tube,he's so smart!I'm sure Butch is too! K.C.

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Thanks everyone for your nice words and good wishes for my Big Boy Sully. He doesn't shriek any more, well just a little, but as a call to me, and when I answer he quiets down.


Carol, I got the cage at Pet Solutions.com, I brought Ana Grey's for $349 and Sully's which is the same for $299, great discount. It is an EZ Care Playtop Cage. I love this style of cage because the whole front opens so I can get all the way into the cage for cleaning. It also has a small door front opening. The play top is great and has a metal ladder and 6 toy holders. Ana Grey loves to sit on the very top of the toy holders and flap her wings to dry after a spray shower. I would buy this particular cage for all my medium sized birds (if I were to get more). Thanks again everyone for your kind words for Sully!!!<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2009/05/15 03:42

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Oh, he's just beautiful. I didn't check out this room for a while and see what I've missed...I'm so happy you've given Sully a great new home and I can tell he is going to bring a lot of love to your life. :)

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Thanks Jen, I do so want to give him a great life. He doesn't really want to come out of his cage though I leave it open. When he does come out he wants to sit on my shoulder so I let him, just a little. I wish I had more experience with an older bird, but I'm trying and learning.

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I think eclectus in general kind of keep to themselves. Tiggers door is always open in the day time and he will come out when (and if) he feels like it but there are some days too, he is quite content to just sit in his cage for the biggest part of the day with his cage door wide open. He will go in the back corner and just hide out sometimes but he is perfectly content, I can tell by the beak grinding. My other flock members come out immediately when the doors are opened but not Tigger. He is just as content to be sitting inside his cage as out of it. Some days he is out alot, too. They are very different from greys.


If he was caged alot that might explain it too. He may not be used to being outside of the cage and not quite comfortable with it yet. Plus he is still settling in. I wouldn't worry too much about it. Each one of my birds that are different species are so different from one another.


This is off topic but I read that eclectus liked swings in my ekkie book so I bought one and I'll be darn...he hoppped right on and really loves his swing. Another thing my ekkie does sometimes is when I run the vaccuum, he will bathe in his water bowl while I'm doing. This was also mentioned in the same ekkie book. Does Sully do that? Just curious:whistle:

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Thanks Erika for the suggestions and insight on the eclectus. I spray Sully with Aloe Vera every day so I don't know whether he would use his water dish to bathe in. He is a very nice and tidy bird. I don't use my vaccuum as I have all wood floors and sweep and dust mop them. I will see about a swing though. Thanks for the heads up!!

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Icannot believe I missed this Thread bad melol. That is a very sweet and beautiful bird you have there I've always wanted an Elkie but the oppurtunity has never presented itself. He's so so pretty even naked. I love the new cage you got for him and I'm sure you will have a fully feathered bird in no time. I believe that birds pluck because they are stressed and unhappy or out of habit if they've been pluckers for any length of time. for what ever reason you can't always understand what makes a bird tick but if you do your best and he seems happy mabie you can break the habit and he will stop. Tyco barbered her feathers before I got her and she doesn't anymore thank goodness. It was all new to me also but if I can do it I know you will be able to also Solomon obviously adores you and thats a good start that all I had with Tyco also is the fact that she liked me. She also lived in a cockateil size cage for years and when I got her one of thefirst things I did was to get her a new gigantic cage and of course take her for a vet check she had never had one. Thank goodness she was healthy. then I just did basicly what your doing and that is to love her and talk to her tell her everything I was doing they do like to know whats going on around them. and within the first year Tyco had all her feathers again. while they where growing back we had to be extra creful about feather with nothing to support them so play had to b supervised so she didn't break them we had a couple broken blood feathers but not to many I think three in total its ver scary when they bleed like that. We managed to stopp the bleeding and she would pull that feather herself within a day or so she finally got them all. I know that Solomon is now in a home where he will be happy so I believe that in no time he will stop pulling his feathers congrats on your new flock member your so lucky to have such a beautiful bird.

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Thank you Pat for your encouragement and great advice on helping Sully. He stepped up for me to come out of his cage this morning. Last night he keep saying what sounded like "Hi Ya." So now we have a laser sound, a "Huh" and a "Hi Ya," I think. He sitting on a playstand by my computer right now. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he will re-grown his feathers back!!

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