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Well, I found my Electus, Butch, he is a plucker and I hope I have learned enough from this great forum to help him. He is at least 8 years old, that's how long his rescuer has had him. He was found in the local car wash about 8 years ago and they called the pet shop to come and get him. He has been a plucker all this time and has had a couple of other homes and has always been returned to the pet shop because he screams if he is unhappy. Butch only likes who he likes and screams if he is displeased. He likes me and I really like him so as soon as I get the new cage I ordered for Butch he is coming home with me. Next time I go see him, I will bring my camera and get some pictures. He doesn't talk, but I still have high hopes for him. Will keep you posted, I am so excited. He has had many birds around him all this time so he and Ana Grey should get along, we'll see. Now I have to go on the internet and learn all I can about male Eclectus!!:woohoo:<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2009/05/22 05:47

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What?!! Nooo wayyyy!!! You have always wanted an Eclectus and you are finally getting one. CONGRATS Janet!!! I am so happy for you. That is so wonderful that you are taking in a plucker. Your are a great parront and I know you can get him through this rough stage. Ahhhh I am so excited for you I can't wait to see pictures of him. Are you going to keep the name Butch or change it? I like that name, I have a cat named Butch hehe.

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Thanks Summer and Caitlin for your support. I am super excited, and hope I can help Butch. I don't know about the name, will have to wait and see. I kind of like the name Colonel because the beak looks like a candy corn kernel.:laugh: I'll have to see.

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I am so pleased for you!


How long will it be before the cage arrives and you can bring Butch home?


I cant wait to hear more about Butch and you know we are here if we can help you in anyway!


Pictures please when you get some:whistle:

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Thanks so much Caroline and here are my Eclectus' first pictures from the pet shop. I am hoping with the help of everyone here that I can turn around his plucking. So please excuse his "nakedness," we are going to work very hard on getting Butch not to be such an exhibitionist!!!


Introducing Butch in all his glory!!!







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Thanks for the encouragement, Carol. This is a real challenge for me. New cage was shipped today was well as a new boing, swing, more toys. :woohoo: And I just ordered a double order of Aloe Vera Juice!!!!:ohmy: :)


I took pecans and almonds as treats for Butch today when I went to see him and he chewed them a little. I'm going to take in some mango and kiwi tomorrow maybe he's a fruit lover :blink:

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You're on Carol, all I need do is cross a bridge to be in Oregon and the airport is just a step away. I checked shipping of the new cage and it was shipped yesterday, Thursday, they send UPS so hopefully on Monday. All I have to do then is go get Butch. I am thinking of changing his name, he doesn't talk and when I say Butch he doesn't react so perhaps without a problem I can change his name. I like the name Jade. Do you think that's too girly, everyone?

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I somehow missed this post ! OMG I didnt even know you were interested in a rescue I am so excited for you and I just know in my heart that you are gonna be the one that turns him around!

he is gorgeous even showing off his manboobs! I just love that beak and Jade would be a great name( new life,new name) that color is magnificent!

I am so proud of you! karma karma karma!!

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I somehow missed this post, too, Janet - and I'm also so proud of you and thrilled for you! Boy, you have really stepped up to a challenge, haven't you? The-Parrot-Soon-To-Be-Formerly-Known-As-Butch is certainly a beautiful boy, and I will be curious to hear how his rehabilitation progresses. I also like the name Jade and I don't think it's too girly at all. Good for you for opening your heart and your home to this bird. Keep us posted on Ana's reaction, too!

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Thanks Cindy! I went to see Jade aka Butch this afternoon and fed him Kiwi and carrots which he readily took from my hand. He then walked over to the edge of his cage to climb up on my shoulder and wanted to give me kisses, which I am still leary of. He then just sat on my shoulder and said, "huh," this is the only word that he does say apparently as I have heard it several times. It was a great afternoon!

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Well Butch nka Solomon is now home. Johnnie, the pet shop owner, said he was freaking out and had plucked a couple of feathers because he didn't like the changes going on. I then told her that his new cage wouldn't come until Thursday according to the UPS tracking system. She then offer to lend me a cage to use until the new one came. I, of course. readily accepted and now Solomon is home with me. He is adjusting okay, a little loud screaming when I leave the room but he has quieted down a lot in the last hour. He wants to come out of his cage, but I'm going to wait until tomorrow to attempt that. He is in the living room and, of course, he and Ana Grey have not met yet. He does make some sounds, a laser gun sound, I guess I'm going to have to take him to see Star Trek!!! And he does go "Huh uh," like Tim Allen on Home Improvements did years ago! :ohmy: I have a feeling he has a few surprises for me.:lol: :silly:

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