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Problem with Adaya


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I'm haveing problems with Adaya eating her pellets she used to love them and now she doesn't go near them she also wasn't eating her veggies but I found a solution to that I hung her veggies from a fuit ang veggie scewer and shes eating them really well she eats her seeds and nuts no problem and it does have pellets in them wich I've seen her eat but she also likes to emty her bowls by kicking all her food out of them I'm afraid she not getting enough how can I stop her from kicking her food out of the bowls.

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Pat, is it the pellets she dosent like or is she kicking them out of the bowl before she even tries them?


I know you probably have but have you tried to soak the pellets for Adaya?


I had to do this with two of mine to get them to eat them.


I hope its just a phase and she starts to eat them again soon:)

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I think she just likes the feel of kicking things with her feet when she was a baby she would kick the pine shavings all over the place and now because she doesn't have the shavings anymore she's kicking her pellets and seeds everywhere I don't know what todo she waste so much food. I've tried a few differnt pellets and if I put them with her seed mix she does eat them but she takes a few bites then emty's the bowl I guess I could just take her food bowls out and leave empty bowls in her cage except for a coulpe times a day but I don't know if she's old enough for that I don't thin she eats enough at one sitting to hold her until dinner. mabie I'll try giving her smaller bowls so she can't fit her feet in it to scratch the food out.

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Just had a thought, what about using the scatterless seed dishes the pot ones where they have a hole in the side just to get their heads in.


Two of mine have them but I got them from a site in the UK. They used to stock them on ebay as well.


Might stop her from playing football:)



http://shop.ebay.co.uk/items/__scatterless-seed_W0QQ_kwZscatterlessQQ_kwZseedQQ_ckwZbowls?_trksid=p3286.m104.l1198<br><br>Post edited by: casper, at: 2009/05/06 20:34

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Oh I know the kind you mean I think I have a couple of those some where only mine are porcelin I have no Idea what I did with them though I hope I did't give them away to the little girl accross the street.


I don't think I did because they where really expensive I have a big 4inch one and I also have a 3 inch one. Shoot I have to work don't have time to look today. I'll dig them out on my days off thanks for the reminder.

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Those are the same ones I have they are porcilin this is the small one that I have but I also have a big one some where if I can find it I don't know if she will like stiking her head into the smaller one its only 3 inches the bigger one is better and it fits into the holders in her cage.

DSC00150.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/05/07 22:45

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The scratching is normal and especially prevalent when they are young.


The ceramic food container you have pictured would surely stop the scratching. Just try it and see how Adaya eats food from it.

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