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I'm traumatizing Sydney!!!!!


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But not on purpose I swear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


He's only been here for 4 1/2 days. I haven't been asking him to come to me, just come out of his cage, take treats, etc. Which he is doing.

Well today the carpet cleaner guy is here, and MUST do the room Sydney is in. And me worrying way too much about the smells/cleaners, I put sydney in his carrier and off he and I went to the dining room. (on the floor that will not be cleaned at all, near the open door for fresh air). He's very upset. But he did eat a tortilla chip, so he can't be THAT upset.

I quietly explained to Sydney what is going on, and that I would stay with him, but poor guy I had to rush into taking him out of his cage, so he shrieked at me. The cleaner was here waiting (45 minutes early)... grrr... I planned to get here in enough time to gently coax sydney into the carrier so that I didn't stress him too much. So much for that.

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I'm sitting at the dining room table with my laptop (which he is used to seeing me with), some food for me (a salad, so I'm sharing), chips (guacamole for me on the opposite side from him), and him in his carrier. Poor guy. If I walk away to check something he does his little squeak that his prior owner said was his "where are you going".


But yes, I wasn't taking any chances leaving him in the room! The guy said that he did a townhouse last week that had a dining room "aviary" that opened to a screened in deck, and they didn't move the birds at that house, but I don't take those kind of chances!

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Don't worry Sydney won't hold it against you for long a year or 2 max ha ha Just kidding.You did the right thing by getting him out of there carpet cleaning fumes can be quite dangerous for birds. he will settle down once thing get back to normal.

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I keep telling him in a soothing voice what an excellent boy he's being, and trying to explain to him why I had to move him and all that. I truly hope he understands. He really IS being good. There are so many weird sounds and noises not to mention the strange man (carpet cleaner operator) that was standing there while I asked him to come to me and get put in a carrier.

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