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My new CAG!!


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Hi everyone, well,I have just got my first CAG yesterday, and am looking for some tips. He is 5 years old and seems ok,I have just been trying to talk to him through his cage get to know him, he will lick/ nibble my fingers through the cage, although he doesnt seem aggressive but his playing with my fingers sometimes hurts! He flew out of his cage this morning and landed onmy shoulder, I put my hand to him and he tried to bite it, but I kept my hand there, and he put his head down to be scratched, I think he will bite, ashe has tried. IfIput my hand too near him in his cage he will lash out, I know its early days but has anyone got any tips so this doesnt turn into a problem. He feathers are in excellent condition, and overall he seems quite happy.



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Congrats on the AG where did you get your AG from? This is a great site and lots of carring peeps that will help you!! Enjoy!!! The experts will help you on the topic as I am only a Grey owner for over a year now and got him at 7 weeks old!!


{Feel-good-000200A2}<br><br>Post edited by: Natasha, at: 2009/05/06 14:32

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Welcome lhendrie1!


It's GreYt having you and your new CAG here.


It sounds like you are off to a good start with her, just needs a liitle more time to get used to the new home and people.


Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)

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Hello and welcome to the forum! It sounds like your grey is adjusting to you quite well. He is getting use to you and testing you out. I think you will be best friends in no time. Just give him time and patience and don't force him. If you have any pictures of him we would love to see. What is his name by the way?

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Welcome to the forum and congratulations on your new grey.


They are going to need time to adjust and learn to trust you. It sounds like everything is going really well for you so far I cant wait to here more about you both:)

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I wouldn't worry about the biting on only the 2nd day. As my new baby girl was just a lil nippy not anything serious though. She has never lashed out in or out if the cage but would kinda pinch my finger rather than just nibble a little bit.

I am sure this was outta slight nervous fear of being in new surroundings and having new mama.

Patience and soft talking is what i did and she is the sweetest most gentle lil baby girl now.

I can kiss her, and pet her anytime.

GOodluck and enjoy your new CAG as they are so wonderful and you will learn so much.

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Hi Ihendrie1, karma to you for re-homing an older grey. Sounds like your grey really wants to be your friend but he is a little cautious. I would just let him continue to go at his own pace. He seems to doing a great job of training you to be a great parront.;) I would just talk to him quietly and tell him what you are doing. He'll set the pace and come to you, he already has :) What is your grey's name? And welcome to the family!!!

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Oh my god, Im really overwhelmed by the amount of help and support everyone has shown, thank you so much.

Well I am working in Germany just now and found him in a pet shop, his story was, his previous owners had him from a baby, it was the wifes idea to get one but she spent very little time with him, but the man did and he bonded very well to the man, but the wife got jealous and made him sell it, he had been in the pet shop for 6 weeks until I bought him, I had been after a grey for a while and found him, but was cautious as he was an older bird so went in to visit him for a few days, but was very impressed with his feather condition, as it must have been very stressful for him leaving his mate, and then in a cage in a pet shop, but he seemed happy enough, his name is Mekki, and he speaks german.

What should I do when I place my hand down near, he comes over and gently nibbles and licks my hands, but it also like a soft bite, but it hurts like he is squeezing my finger in his mouth, but there seems to be no aggression, he isnt striking when he does it, how do I teach him manners that it hurts when he does it?


Thnaks everyone!! xx

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Good for you for taking him!!! Congrats!!

Question: Do you speak German? I was just wondering if he understands you when your talking to him?


Stupid question but I am curious :woohoo:<br><br>Post edited by: Natasha, at: 2009/05/07 15:12

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Jinxs X Natasha, my thoughts exactly. The Parrot speaks German, Guten Tag!!


That firm beak you receive when requesting a step up, is a "No thanks, I'm good" done in a Parrots best polite skills. He does not mean you any harm, as you thought, but is simply communicationg in parrot beak language with you.


Does he say "Nein"? Meaning No.


It sounds like you two are getting on very well for such a short time and it's GreYt to see you are paying such detailed attention to his body language. :-)


Your doing a great job.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/05/07 15:32

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Wow a grey that speaks german, well duh:whistle:


I wouldn't worry too much about the beaking right now, he is testing you out to see if you are afraid of him, later when he settles in and gets comfortable then you can work on the biting if he is still doing it.

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Also, don't worry about him lashing out or trying to bite when you get near his cage. They are a little territorial about the cage sometimes. Mine was for a few days until he trusted me. Now I can stick my hnd in the cage anytime and he will love on me. Sounds like you are getting a long wel already! My baby speaks Urdu, I think that is the spelling. It is the laguage of Pakistan. He knows some English too though. Karma to you for giving an older grey a second chance at a forever home! You will be so glad you did :)

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Hi again,

I speak a fair bit of german and understand him, he doesnt ever say no or nein when asking him to step up. I must be honest on this forum and although I was always against it,Iam afraid to say I had his wings clipped yesterday,he can still fly, but only short flights, I did this purely because its been a while since I have had any birds and need to get used to being strict on closing windows and doors, so I thought it would be a good idea to do it this once to avoid any accidental escapes. Sorry if this has upset anyone x

What are the general opinions of this on the forum? I opening accept constructive criticism, and everyones opinion, but please no nasty comments as everyone has there different ways, i get the feeling most people are open minded on this forum.

I was freaked out as we were sitting in the living room and he started speaking german but in a mans whisper voice, he sounded really creepy!Nothing like a parrot, you would have thought there was another man in the room! But loved it.

I dont think he is too impressed with me as I had to put him in his box to go to the Vets, used a stick to step up on but he wouldnt go in the box, so I had to use towel in the end. But he is still taking grapes from my hand.

Anyone have any other treat ideas for them? Are they allowed natural honey?


Thanks x

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