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1 month kitten should i return him to his firs

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I would like to know what your opinion is; should i try returning the 1 month old kitten to his first owner and his mom because it's too risky for his life he is at us?


Or you think i'm overreacting and being too worrid about him and he should be fine?


I'm bottlefeeding him, he eats, drinks and sleeps a lot


But he sneezed today 3 times on different occasion..


Let me hear your opinion please i want the best for this little kitten!

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Have him checked by a vet,at the very least it will ease your mind.Sneezing could be a minor problem or could be the start of something more serious such as feline influenza.Only a vet can diagnose. A kitten that young is always best with mum but it is by no means imposable for us to raise them.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/05/08 21:52

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Honestly if you return the kitten, the original owner will likely just give him to someone else who may not be as concerned for his well being a you are. I would take him to a vet. Ask the vet how many times a day he should be eating etc. Get the sneezing checked and ease yur mind on his health. He will probably be fine. I have bottle raised several kittens that I found etc. Please let us know how it turns out. I hope you keep that little baby because at least we know he will have a good home with you :) Hope everything goes well!

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Thanks for the support it's actually my first time handling that young kitten that's why i'm frustrated i talked to an expert about this issue and was told that the mother will most likely reject the kitten because the bond is not there anymore. And i also contacted the original owner who was a 17 years old and she understands now that we both made a mistake so she is keeping the other brothers and sisters kittens untill they are ready for an adoption,


I will update you with anything new and we will also see a vet soon!

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Dear Sarah David,

I agree with need for a vet check for your baby. Babies need a lot of sleep, even kittens. I think you are doing a fantastic job. You have taught a young person how important it is for the babies to stay with their mother until older And hopefully she will have the mother spayed before shw gives birth to more kittens.

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Also Sarah David, you may want to take the kitten to the mother for a visit and see how she reacts. If she takes the kitten back in then you could ask th owner to hold the kitten for you and letthe mother take care of it for 3-4 more weeks. I do not think the mother will rejectit at all. I actually think the mothr would be thrilled to see her baby. Cats are much smarter than that plus mother animals often take inany baby, even when it is not their own. YOu could try it and see :)

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