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Hi guys,


I'm beggining to wonder what I would do without everyone's help.


Zico recently has developed a bit of an attitude, He will sit on my shoulder and sometimes try to chew my t shirt or top. When I tell him NO he would normally stop and just chatter away.


Recently when Im telling him NO he makes a loud noise at me and bites me in the face. This is totally new only the last couple of weeks. I have just been staying calm and putting him str8 in his cage for a few mins as a punishment but I dont think its working.


Apart from this he seems a relly happy bird.


Any advice anyone could offer while I still have a face left would be appreciated.

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Lol hi they all do it, Boesman is now 18 months and he doesn't seem to care that I say no he will also bite my face if he is on my shoulder but just really picks at me not serious but I put him in his cage if he starts because one day it's just not gonna be picks and I'm afraid for my eyes ect. I leave him on top of the cage for about ten minutes and then I take him again then all the excitment of seeing me is calmed because he usually picks at me when I come from work and then he is out and on my shoulder:woohoo:

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One note on having you bird on your shoulder, any shirt is going to get chewed. If you have buttons on your shirt, the will crack them in half.


Most of us have T Shirts and sweatshirts we wear due to the inherent nature of a Parrot to chew on clothing, towels etc. They clean their beaks doing this.


If your going to try to command your bird while he is in control and bite\nip you if he doesn't like what your commanding, a nip/bite may well happen as it is. That is the wrong place for your Grey to be if your going to do that.


You are doing the right thing in removing saying NO as you remove him immediately and placing him on his cage or stand, then walk away.


You do need to get this under control quickly, or your Grey will not be a bird you can trust on your shoulder with out fearing a lip, cheek, ear or neck piercing if this habit gets worse.

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Cleo recently has started doing the same thing, clamping on to my nose if she is on my shoulder. I feel it's a limit testing thing with her, and I think we've managed to knock it on the head.

I would watch her from the corner of my eyes and each time I saw her opening her beak and making her move, I'd turn to her, raise a finger and say Ah! No biting! She understands the words "back into the cage", which is what I would tell her as well if she tried, and have had to put her back in when she didn't listen.

She doesn't bite anymore, and in fact now just puts her beak along side my nose and kind of rests there.

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