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Big Bathing Issues


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I am having real problems in bathing my grey.

Recently when I spray him he goes crazy, screams constantly, gets seriously distressed and throws himself around his cage so obviously I have stopped this.


I have tried putting a water dish at the bottom of his cage but he has ignored this for weeks and instead tries to wash himself in his drinking water which is obviously way too small.


He does like to come in the shower room everyday, I think he may like the mist however he will not entertain going anywhere near the water. I have also tried a little water in the sink but he wont have it!


Should I dunk him even though I know he wont like it?


An advice anyone would be willing to offer I would appreciate alot. I want to make sure I can do all I can to keep him healty.

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You will need to continue misting him in his cage where he can not escape from you. He will soon stop the thrashing around and just sit and be pissed off at you while you wet him down. Let him bite the mister to vent a little then mist some more and let im bite it again. :-)


Most Greys do not like a shower or a misting, but it is necessary.


Mine is the same way, however he will get into a pie pan I place on the counter top and splash around and get his belly wet. But, they need a god misting all over.

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The thing im most worried about is if he injurs himself. he thows himself off his perch which is quite worrying. I thought it may be less distressing for him if i were to dunk him in some water.

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I think you should build on the fact that he seems to like the shower room. First of all: he's away from his cage, so he may be more tractable and easy to handle in there.


I have a shower perch in my shower, and I started out by just letting Maxi sit on that and watch how much fun I was having in the shower a few times. I didn't even try to get her wet at first: just let whatever spray happened to land on her land on her, but I made a point of hogging the water for myself and made a big deal out of how much fun I was having in it. Then on about the fourth day, I stepped her up, said "One - two - three..." and then "whheeeeeeee!" as I ran her whole body under the shower stream before she could think what I was up to. Did this several times, leaving her in the stream longer each time, before putting her back on her shower perch. She adapted pretty quickly, really. To this day, she still grumbles when I ask her to step up off that perch, but she steps up anyway. I also still use the "One - two- three..." lead-in, I guess to try to let her feel like she's in some kind of control, as in she knows what's coming next. But she learned pretty quickly that showers aren't deadly and actually kind of feel good. She still HATES the mister, BTW - no matter where I use it, and no matter what's in it (water or aloe juice). BITEBITEBITE that mister:evil::angry::evil: :angry:

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I would also go with the shower room if he is ok with this. Sit him somewhere in the shower room and even the heat and humidity from the shower going is great for them.


In the cage you could try putting in some branches with leaves on at the top of the cage and wet the branches so that the water runs down on to Zico.


I would not go for the dunk him way he will hate it. You want to make bathing a good experience. Our female also hates it and we laugh make lots of noise get her excited throw toys into the water put treats in the water and she gets so excited before you know it she jumps in. We then make a huge noise praising her. She is so bad she won't bath every week, but sits in the shower with the heat everyday.

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You could also try to put him in the bath tub and fill it up with warm water up to his chest so he can walk around and you can gently splash the water onto him. I did this with my baby and he didn't mind it. But he also doesn't mind the misting either. Maybe that will work for you.

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