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New here and just rescued a timneh

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Hi everyone,


Just wanted to introduce myself - I'm Dawn and I currently have a cockatiel (Tizzy) and a nanday conure (Frog)... and as of tonight, a rescued TAG named Clyde that I pulled out of a bad environment (he's been here all of 3 hours now!). I'm sure I will have a lot of questions as I get to know this guy.



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Hi Dawn, Im recently new too and Ive got to say that everyone here is great and their advice is priceless.


Nice 1 for helping a bird in need and im sure people here will be able to help you with any issues you might have. Good luck with your new family member.

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Hello Dawn and welcome to the forum! That is so nice of you to rehome Clyde. Do you know how old he is? How is he adjusting to your home so far? Feel free to ask as many questions as you like, there is always someone here to give great advice. If you have any pictures of your flock we would love to see. Enjoy the forum. :)

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Hi everyone!


Thanks for the warm welcome. :)


Clyde's previous owner wasn't sure how old he is - he guessed around 8-10 years old. Heck, I'm not even sure he's a "he".


Right now he stinks to the high heavens of cigarette smoke. I think it will take awhile before that fades away. I scrubbed his cage with disinfectant and the hose outside last night for about an hour - it was disgusting.


His first vet appt is Thurs morning (soonest I could get him in) and I'm eager to get some tests done to see what health issues I'm dealing with. I'm pretty sure he has respiratory problems, since I can hear a rasp when he breathes.


Here are the few pics I took of him last night:



And here is the rest of my furry/feathered family:



For those of you who would rather not follow the links, let me know and I'll be happy to post some of them.



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Hello Dawn and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Clyde.


I am so happy to hear you have rescued this grey from the environment he was in, the poor thing having to live like that but he will think now that he has died and gone to heaven with all the attention and love he is going to get.


Thats great you already have a vet appointment set up and I hope he has no health issues but it sounds like he may have some respiratory problems, be sure to let us know what you find out.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


Thanks for sharing some pictures of Clyde with us and of the other members of your pet family but I look forward to seeing more of Clyde when you can get us some more.

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Thanks for the support! I'm relieved to have a resource here, that's for sure. ;)


Took a few more pics tonight. I tried to get a few that showed his feather condition better. I did think his breathing sounded better than yesterday. And I discovered he's a dancer... :laugh:





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I am so glad Clyde has found a home with you, Dawn. I think you are the angel he (and his previous "owner")needed. He looks strong, and with your help I am sure he will overcome any health issues he has.


Thank you for the photos! Welcome, Dawn and Clyde!

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