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Males or Females - Which is better at talking?


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I know for Cockatiels, the Males are the talkers.


But do both male and female Congo African Greys readily talk?


I would like to get a Female so that it would bond with me easier since I'm Male. (I read it in a couple places.)


Just wondering..Thanks in advance.<br><br>Post edited by: Matt, at: 2009/05/05 04:08

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Yes they do--there's no difference between the two.

It's a fallacy concerning the male to female. female to male bonding. That theory is old and has been proven wrong. The whole thing has to do with a good relationship between you and the bird being built up from the get go.

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I have a Female and she's the best talker ever she has a huge vocabulary she is also very bonded to me and I am also Female so which ever bird chooses you thats the bird ou should get because they will bond with yo much faster if they have chosen you if their is a whole cluch of babies pick the one that comes over to you and want you to interact with it. Thats not to say that you shouldn't buy a bird if there is only one bird and no choice then by all means that bird will also bond with you. But a grey that picks you will bond very quickly with you.

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LOL Dan, we have to say the same thing over and over otherwise you men wouldn't do anything.


We all know that when men talk, it's something important or logical because it usually starts with "My wife says...." :)


We have a male and female grey and they both talk as much as each other.

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Thank the heavens above. Dan is completely right on target. Males and females do talk. Females talk. They have a supurb way of saying the same thing. This is not uncommon. Loads of things to say with the final result being one conclusion.---It's best that I should have taken a nap during the conversation. What is very important here is that it doesn't apply to birds.

A little tip concerning your bird talking--have conversations with your bird. Don't expect any immediate replies. Talking to them perks their interest. They'll be quiet and will intently listen and eventually pick out things that appeal to them. Try to stay away from local gossip.

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Males talk more about the world whereas Females talk more about the family and relationships. I am sure its the same for Greys. In terms of the actual quantity of words its about the same as there is lots to say about both. The variety of sounds that Greys use as words is not just restricted to human noises they are much smarter than that.


Steve n Misty

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