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Two Greys together!?!


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Hello Everyone, its been a while since you have seen me on here. I have my 9 year old Grey, Millie who is talkative, nice (to some) and shy to others. He is non aggressive for the most part, If he flys or is walking around the house, he gets a long very well with the dog, who mostly wants to play with him. I recently have come across another Grey who appears to be 3 years old by the look and size, along with what little history we do have. The poor thing has been kept in a smaller then I would allow cage, (like 1/4 size what I keep Millie in). I offered to take the bird on, because I have one, and know a lot about them.


My Question is does anyone have 2 Greys, and do they interact with each other, or do they not like there own kind. I am going to keep looking for a larger cage, and if I have too Ill just buy brand new.


I plan on keeping them apart to let them warm up, talk, and get to know each other. Then slowly introduce them physically to each other. I just wanted to know if anyone has come across this situation before.

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Yes we do have members here who have more than one grey and some of them get along with each other and some don't. Do plan on having a separate cage for each bird and slowly introduce them after they have had time to get used to having the other one around, I would plan on keeping them in their separate cages when caged for they each need their own space to call their own.

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I have two Greys and they do get along very well The oldest one is six years pld and the youngest is 31/2 months old I introduced them quite slowly and I put their cages about 6 feet apart so they could watch each other without really getting to close. I also treated my older bird to a couple new toys and some speical treatment and treats so she didn't feel at all threatened by the new commer she watched and watched for about a month then one day the baby flew over to her cage I stood at the door and watched for a few seconds with neither of them knowing I was there my older Grey dodn't do anything except watch her. then I went over to get the younger one and Tyco my older grey stood up very tall so I couldn'y yake the other bird away so I moved to a different posoition and so did she I finally moved her first to the playstand and then took the younger one. Ever since that day they have been geting close and closer the older one feed the baby and even allows her to climb up on her back if she can't reach to get where she wants to go. I was so suprised by this because Tyco is a rescue and was very badly neglected and abused before she came to me and now she is one very special bird indeed there are some pictures on the forum right now of them interacting with one another the thread is called more pictures of Tyco and Adaya.

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Well we picked up the other grey last night, and to my amazement, the other owner DID have a large cage, it was in the shed. IT just didn't fit inside the house. SO We got the Grey along with a Quacker Parrot. The two Greys have been interacting a lot since bringing them home. The Quacker has warmed up to us right away allowing me and my fiancée to hold him, when everyone else told us that was a "Devil" bird.


Today I am setting up the large cage and moving the younger Grey to that cage. The two Grey cages will be about 6 feet from each other, and my bird Millie, the older one can fly, and has never had his cage closed. I’m going to see how he acts, and if he feels the time is right, maybe ply to the other cage. Millie is really good with knowing what’s good and bad. When certain people come over you can tell he doesn't like them. However he will walk around with the dogs, and talk to anyone who will listen.


Millie makes very little "bird" noises, because he talks so much and has so much interaction with humans. In the short time I have had the other birds here; Millie is making normal bird sounds, some things I’ve never heard before!


I’ll keep the group updated, but I think everything will be alright.


I am a little nervous about the new Grey because he has a VERY VERY faint color to his tail, and people have said it used to be brighter. I’m hoping it was just the dark dingy place we took him out of! He has Light, Windows, and a friendly environment now!

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The feathers on his tail could be old or mabie faded from not having proper nutrition. you should mabie take him to the Vet and have him checked out before you allow him accsess to your other birds. I quarentine my new birds for a least a month just for safety sake I wouldn't want to have anything happen to my children.

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