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1 month old kitten please help!

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I adopted yesterday a 1 month old kitten yes i know i made a mistake! i did'nt realize he was that young untill i saw him.


He eats and drinks good and sleeps alot but he havent been eliminating since i got him yesterday at 9 a clock at night and now its almost 9 in the morning.


I keeo him very warm with blanket around him and a heater on close to him.


I put him in the litter box but he jumps out of it everytime i put him there.


Please help me what should i do ??

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Awww the baby is still young and needs his mommy! Are you bottle feeding him or is he eating solid foods?? Did the people you adopted him from tell you if he is going on his own? I know it may sound nasty but the kitty might need you to help him go. You have to get a wet rag and rub its bottom so he can release. You may not even need to do that, he might just be getting use to his surroundings. If he doesn't go by tomorrow then you will need to help him.<br><br>Post edited by: caitb2007, at: 2009/05/04 18:16

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I would follow the others suggestion about the warm wash cloth. It may be your kitten is nervous and still just checking out it's new home but she might need some help in that area.


I went to look at a litter of kittens to pick one out and they were 4 weeks old. I was taught they (kittens/puppies) shouldn't be pulled from the momma for 6 weeks. The lady kept telling me over and over it was ready. Eating on it's own and everything. Against my better judgement I took my kitten home that day but my kitty was just fine and grew up healthy and happy. She wasn't sick a day in her life untill she got old. I wouldn't be too concerned. Give her a little more time to settle in and give us an update. As long as she is acting healthy I think it will all be ok.

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Thanks all for your support he actually just eliminated for maybe 20 min. i did what you suggested and it worked out very well. This is first time i deal with a kitten that is so young my other kittens where around propably 7 or 8 weeks when i got them if not older and they did everything on their own but this little thing is so tiny and helpless but im sure he will be very fine.



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The is a seriously very cute kitten I do love them I'm alergic to them but I never let that stop me from have lots of them over the years. Now that I have my birds I opted not to have cats but that little one could almost change my mind.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/05/06 17:57

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