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is it time to drop a feeding?


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my willis is 15 weeks old, and is on 3 handfeedings a day. the last 3 days he's been eating around the suppertime feeding, so i've been letting him eat, and he's quite full when he's done, but i still try to feed him anyway. he does eat a little, but not much...can i drop this feeding? it was my understanding that the noon feeding was the first to go, followed by the lunchtime, with the supper time feeding being the last to go...willis seems to be doing this backwards lol. he doesn't really seem to eat his pellets during the day (he picks at them at best). i've even tried feeding him late at the noon feeding (unless he's crying of course) and he doesn't go to his pellets at all, just waits for me to feed him. but everyday for the last 3 days, around 5:00 (i feed him usually at 5:30) he goes right to his pellets and starts eating for a very long time, but when he's done he's full and only eats 5-10cc, then goes on his playtop and eats more pellets. sorry this post is so long, i just wanted to give a little background. thanks!

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I Would say go ahead an drop that feeding I don't think he needs it as long as his crop is full and he's refusing it. make sure he's maintaning his weight and as long as he doesn't lose for 3 days then defatly cut out the feeding. My Adaya did it backwards also she cut her morning feeding first. Ihave her on a diferent sceduale then most though I use to feed her at 10am 4pm and 1130 pm because of my wor schedule becaus 4 days a week I work 5pm to 11pm so I fed her before work and then after I got home after she cut her morning feeding she would eat her 4 oclock feeding really well but then when I got home from work to feed her she started getting really picky about it and would only take around 10 mabie 20 cc. so that was the next to go. I still feed her her 4pm feeding she still eats that one pretty good soI guess she needs it. I wouldn't worry how backwards Willis is every babys different. Oh by the way my daughter just loves The name Willis when I told her that you named your bird Willis she squeeled with joy and said thats a totally awesome name I love it!! She's 13 and get very excited about the strangest things and the name Willis was one of those things :laugh: :laugh:

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Yes I would also drop a feeding. I don't think it really matters what feeding it is, if he'd rather eat the formula in the morning and afternoon then that should be ok. Thats good that he is starting to eat his pellets more. Are you offering him fruits and veggies too? Has your baby started fledging? Ecko is 13 weeks today and he has been on 1 feeding for a week, he would rather have the night time feeding so I guess every grey is different lol. During the day he is pretty good at eating his veggies and pellets. He is gaining weight very slowly but its ok as long as he isn't losing any. Just keep track of your babies weight, its the best way to tell if they are weaning.

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he's maintaining his weight good. today will be the first time i don't feed him...providing he continues to eat pellets on his own. yes caitb2007, he gets fruits and veggies, (doesn't seem to like fruit so far tho lol) and he gets some mash and bird bread as well. i guess i should of included that in the first post, whoops! lol. and yes, he flies all over the place!! if i remember right he started with his 4 ft. flights about a month or so ago. he now flies EVERYWHERE!! even gets as high as the ceiling! it's a bit of a pain when i'm trying to get something done and he decides he doesn't want to be where ever he is at the time and comes and bothers me lol but it's so fun to hold out my hand and have him fly to me where ever i am.


i figured it'd be ok if i dropped a feeding i just wanted to get some other opinions..so thanks guys!(or girls lol)

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Do it in steps to make sure--instead of stopping the whole feeding only use 1/2 the amount in it and go down to eliminating that feeding when you're positive. Always cut down by halves<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/05/06 01:54

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