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just curious what you all think


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Do you think that Tyco will help teach Adaya how to be a confident well ajusted Grey do you think she will take on the roll of a segagent mother so to speak? She does watch over her and even repramands her sometimes. She will also feed Adaya when Adaya is at her cage for any length of time. Do you think in time this will help Adaya confidence wise. Tyco actually will even allow Adaya to climb on her back so she can reach thing she's trying to get to. They are really fun to watch.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/05/04 00:53

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She might Pat but I really don't know that much about the interaction of two greys but it would seem like it is going on right now if Tyco is helping Adaya with climbing around. You hear so much about two greys that are not clutch mates not getting along too good but so far your two are, you may have one of the exceptions to the rule.

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I wish we could do a poll to see how many people have had two or more greys in the home who didn't get along and how many have greys that do get along. I know several people whose greys get along, but not anyone whose greys would kill one another or do bodily harm.

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Tyco will teach Adaya lots of things she needs to know. Rangi taught kea pretty much everything and even how to speak. Even if I am training Kea Rangi sits there and gives her encouragement "good girl, you are so good". It cracks me up when he does that.


Even if I want Kea to come somewhere and Rangi is with me Rangi is the one that will call her "come Kea, come sweety" and Kea will fly over.


Kea watched everything Rangi did and it didn't take her long to copy him.

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How old are your birds did Kea bond more to Rangi than to you or is Kea still cuddly and sweet with you as well as being bonded to Rangi I'm worried I may lose my sweet baby to a another African Grey. Even though I do spend time loving on Adaya and she loves to cuddle she really likes to be with Tyco also .

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Rangi is just over 2 and Kea is nearly 2. Yes they are bonded to each other in the fact that they do the mating dance for each other. Rangi used to do this for me, but stopped when he got Kea.


At the same time they seem to be bonded to us. They both still love cuddles from us and like one on one time with us away from each other even though they are out at the same time.


I also found that I have specific games that I play with each of them that the other one won't play. Rangi loves to play catch with me, Kea hates it. Kea Loves to sit on my hand and stare out the window with me and Rangi would never do that he gets too restless.


It could be different as well because you have 2 girls. This is very interesting to see the dynamics.

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Tyco is acting as a parrot,thats brilliant,what can be better than a parrot being a parrot.Adaya can only benefit.I am sure you will keep your fantastic relationship with them both,even if it does change slightly.I would give anything for Charlie to have a little grey feathered friend,so much better for their mind set.

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I have three greys and they learn from each other everyday.


The younger two learn most of their vocab from Charlie the eldest grey and Charlie who had confidence issues has built this up and learnt to play with the other two greys.


There is nothing better than watching these birds together Preening each other, feeding each other and playing together. I feel truy blessed when I watch them.


I am so pleased that your two get on so well together.<br><br>Post edited by: casper, at: 2009/05/04 22:07

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My two TAGs do not get along together outside of their cages. Lyric will be 3 in August and Sadie Grey is 6 months. Although Lyric watched Sadie Grey as she matured from a chick once she began flying she decided it was great fun to chase Lyric. He doesn't like this, gets freaked out and screams and tries to get away from her and tends to fly into things. Therefore, I can't have them out together and risk Lyric injuring himself. I wish they could get along, I think if Lyric learned to trust her he could have fun having a bird companion. They do learn different sounds from each other and occasionally one will sit on top of the other's cage and they interact through the bars of the cage. I am hopeful that in time perhaps they can develop a better relationship.


I think it's great that Tyco and Adaya have this bond with each other. It will be a comfort to you when you are not home that they have each other for companionship. I think it will add a lot to each of their lives to have another grey around for company.

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Actually I think its just wonderful also. And I actually think that when Adaya grows up and is ready to pick a permanent friend it might be better for me because right now Tyco has taken on the roll as mom so to speak and at about a year old Greys tend to leave their moms to go forth as an adult Grey and when that happens I'm hoping she will want to be with me more than with Tyco. We will just have to see how it goes right now she is still very much a baby and she doesn't go to sleep until late because I still give her a night time hand feeding which is at 11:30 pm because 4 days a week I work until them so on the other 3 day Me and her have 2 1/2 hours of special time. and I also take her for a hour walk in the afternoon on her harrness. So even though when Tyco is up and she wants to be with her Me and her still have our special times together just us and no other birds. when Its Tyco's Turn for one on one time I have to put Adaya in her cage and leave the room Adaya is very adament about interfering in me and Tyco's time together.

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