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hi my baby is home coco

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hi i have got my new baby she is 14 weeks old and called coco.

what age will she start to talk at..



how and when should i let her out of her cage and how long for..

i have book to have her wings clipped. is this a bad thing to do. she keep flying at the window,,

do i take her or some one else.. ? many thanks cocos mummy..x

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Welcome Cocorocks!!


It's GreYt having you here.


The average age to start talking (if they do) is around a year old. You may hear them mumbling under their breath at times before a year and catch little things that you believe is a word. Before the talking stage however, you will start hearing a plethora of whistles that come naturally and also sound imitations like your phone ringing. :-)


Let her out of her cage when you can pay full attention to her. There is no set time limit on how long they can be out with you. There is a minimum though and that is 2 to 3 hours a day. They need flock interaction and your the flock. :-)


I do not agree with wing clipping at all. You need to bird proof your home when you are going to let your Grey out, close curtains, blinds, cover mirrors etc. to ensure your grey does not fly into them or put stick-on pasties on your windows so it will know there is something in they way. At such a young age, your grey is just starting to learn to fly, building coordination, control, strength etc. It is important that all birds gain this ability as it is a natural way of transportation for birds and also an important physical and learning factor that if they do not learn, they will suffer for the rest of their lives in lack of coordination, confidence and physical strength along with a shortened life span due to poor health in the cardiovascular department.


Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/05/03 15:26

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Hello Cocorocks and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Coco.


I hope the fact that greys are known for talking is not the main reason you got her for there will be some that never talk but at 14 weeks of age she is not really old enough to start. My Josey did not talk until she was a year of age, some talk at a few months old and some may take longer than a year. What if she never talks, will you love her just the same?


You should be providing out of cage time now, she would enjoy some time spent with her flock and the amount depends on you but it should be for at least 3 to 4 hours daily.


I wish you would reconsider wing clipping, I will include a link to a thread started recently about clipping versus not clipping and most of us here on this board do not clip our grey's wings, they are birds and birds are meant to fly but you as their caregiver have to provide for their safety in your home, which means you have to be on guard when she is out of her cage that doors and windows are not left open or she can escape and you might never see her again.




There are things that you can put on windows, like static clings that will help to prevent her from flying to the window, just put them at random places and she will get the idea.


Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


We love pictures here so if you have some of Coco you would share with us we would appreciate it very much.<br><br>Post edited by: judygram, at: 2009/05/03 15:29

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Hi Coco's mummy, congratulations on your new baby. You should be letting her out of her cage everyday for at least a few (3-4) supervised hours. Because I am retired, my grey is out all day. When I brought my Ana Grey home I showed her the windows and let her tap on them with her beak as I tapped on them with my hand so she would know they are solid. I also have decals on my large windows and sliding glass door to help protect her. Unless you really feel strongly about clipping your grey, please don't as it is their natural way to get around and they are much happier and confident greys if they maintain their independence. If you have any pictures of Coco, we would love to see them. Please ask any questions you might have, and welcome to the family!

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hi again thank you for the replys.

i did ring the breader and ask him and told me what to do.. well im not going to have coco wings done.

i did not feel it was a good move. i would not like my arms taking off at 14 weeks old..

i have just got back from florida so i have not had much time to take any pics..i have been playing with my coco.

my little girl was awake early and when i came down i seen her sat on a chair talking to coco she is just 4 years old last week and loves coco allready.. awww x-x-x

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I'm so glad you decided not to clip your birds wings. I have a bird that someone clipped before she learned to fly she chewed of all her flight feather on one side for her first 4 yrs of life she was so off balance because of it she would fall like a rock on her keel bone constantly. When I got her she was 4yrs old. it has taken 2 years to get her to leave her flight feathers alone and for them all to grow back she now is fully flighted but she doesn't know how to fly I don't know if she will ever learn but I hope so. anyway welcome to the family and Please read through the many wonderful posts and do ask questions if we can help we will their are many very knowlegeable people on this forum with tuns of experiance. I think thats so cute that your little girl loves her new birdie. you will ahve to make sure she learns to shut the doors when she goes out in the yard to play. Your bird is still very young its a perfect time to harness train so she can go outside also.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Congratulations on your new baby AG!


We would love to see pictures and hear all about Coco.

Good job on the NO CLIP of the wings, a birdie without wings is like a human without feet. You should have Coco out of the cage as much as possible. JUST BE CAREFUL she is secure in the home as she could fly out of an opening and you would be VERY SAD and its hard to find them after they escape no to mention all of the terrible things that could/would happen outside. I also want to say that you are now on a life long journey and commitment of being this birds flock companion as well as her caregiver/Mama.


What is your baby eating as of now?

I wish you all the best with Coco :P

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hi i got a massice bag of seeds nuts fruit bag from the breader i pay only £20 its well worth it about 8 months feed. but i feed her mixed veg and grapes carrot brocli collie. when coco comes out of her cage i realy do make sure all the doors and windows are fillut closed..:woohoo: what age did you bird talk at ?

i can here her saying her name coco and hello.. is this good xx cocos mommy

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