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breeding question


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My greys came from an aviry with other pairs of large parrots , we think they lived in the nest box for so long hideing from the other parrots (macaws and cockatoos yes they were all in their own cages ),but I think that our pair lived in the nest box for like around 2 - 4 yrs hiding from the other birds , Im wondering if we should close them off from the nest box. the bird cam shows them mostly they just sit in the nest box togther with their little tails hanging over the edge. yes the female has been getting in thier chewing chunks of wood we have put in the box for her but im wondering if she is just playing in their .they dont poo in their , but im wondering , if we should close off the nest box for awhile.. ? We would really like for them to have a clutch so any posative info would be helpfull .thanks :)

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You'll never see any type of foreplay and eventual buildup to the actual creation of a nestbox if they're left in that box. If they've been staying in that box simply to protect themselves, it's obvious that it wasn't used for mating or raising clutches. Hopefully, they're away from all the other birds and only live in your family. I believe you should take the box away and let them enjoy the freedom of an exposed area. All breeders are left in the open so that they can be seen by the owners.

As far as future clutches, that depends upon the birds, their abilities as breeders, their health quality, their actual breeding attraction to each other etc. Right now they deserve to be exposed to open surroundings. Don't worry about a clutch. They've already been through a lot hiding from other birds. Even if you take away nestboxes, you can't have them living in the same cages with other birds. They need to be alone and get comfortable again.

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they are alone and they have their own room , we took the box away when we first got them for a couple weeks our vet said they would feel more secure if we gave it back . so we did but they have been alone with no other birds around for 30 days now weve had them a month .so they come out and whistle and squeak ect but 90% of the day they stay in the box . but she is leaving feathers in their now our nestbox cam is showing her leaving a few here and their.( sigh ) I dont want to take it away if she might be thinking of nesting . :dry: descions descions. as for their health the vet said they were very healthy and well taken care of.

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I took your advice and closed the nest box off to them . They are not happy about it but I do enjoy being able to see them in person. Thank you We still have the camara on them Im just curious should we put them in a diffrent cage as well ? Do we want to move them in the living room with us or should we leave them in their own quiet space . Thanks :)


Dave007 wrote:

You'll never see any type of foreplay and eventual buildup to the actual creation of a nestbox if they're left in that box. If they've been staying in that box simply to protect themselves, it's obvious that it wasn't used for mating or raising clutches. Hopefully, they're away from all the other birds and only live in your family. I believe you should take the box away and let them enjoy the freedom of an exposed area. All breeders are left in the open so that they can be seen by the owners.

As far as future clutches, that depends upon the birds, their abilities as breeders, their health quality, their actual breeding attraction to each other etc. Right now they deserve to be exposed to open surroundings. Don't worry about a clutch. They've already been through a lot hiding from other birds. Even if you take away nestboxes, you can't have them living in the same cages with other birds. They need to be alone and get comfortable again.

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It's a great idea to use another cage if you have one. Don't replace any type of material that was connected to breeding. Using the camera is usually done to monitor certain functions--eggs, actual mating, feeding etc. If you put them into an area where you can see them and visa versa, that would be fine but there's a condition----

I personally think you should forget about this pair having a clutch this year. They need to get back into shape, learn that there's no other birds standing over them. They may need a vet check in the future.

Both probably need a brand new diet in order to build up their internal systems. Their vitamin intake has to be replenished. None of these things canbe accomplished over night. Let them live as pets. By the way, I'm not surprised that they became unhappy when the box was closed off. You can't give in to everything they want. If you didn't close it off, they would be in it right now doing nothing but hiding. Think about what I said. Next year you'll see 2 different birds.

Place them where you want but if the place you pick is too quiet and can't be viewed then find another spot.

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Its interesting that you tell us to socalise them , basicaly we have been told to leave them alone , we are going to move them into our living room for awhile ,hopefully the hen will quit growling soon .lol the male wants to interact he likes to whistle to me and trys to mimic new whistles I give him. they are so beautiful .I love all the diffrent sounds they make .

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