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awh, Thank you! You are so right, they are all beautiful! he is a big baby, the owner thinks he is a boy because of his larger head.. any truth to that? He really is a sweet baby. So far he is very calm and falls asleep in your arms when he's held and cuddled..the pictures I have are pretty much the same..I finally remembered my camera..the others are all on my cell phone.. there will be more to come..I want to make a baby album... what I do need help with is suggestions for names..my kids like Alex.. it is a very cute name, but I feel because of the famous Alex, it is too common..:unsure:


Thanks again to all of you!

Ann Marie

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Aww look at your baby! OMG I have a ton of pictures on my hard drive, Tina is going to make me a photo cd of my babies lol I think maybe I am going to do a blog about them when I get them too. I had posted something about a bird baby book but they don't have any :( *sighing* who knows maybe one day. GreyT pictures of your baby...

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Annmarie, congrats on making your decision and finding the right bird and breeder! It makes a huge difference if you get to visit your baby while it is weaning. I did that with Jenna, and by the time she came home with me she was perfectly comfortable being with me. I think it really helped her adjust to a new place to live.

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Congrats on getting a baby grey Annmarie! You are going to have soo much fun. He is so precious in the pictures. I know how its feels when you have to wait forever for your baby but it is so worth it in the end. I can't wait to here more about this new baby and watch as he gets bigger. Thanks for sharing with us. :)

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Great picture of your new baby! I'm excited for you and I'm sure you and your family will do fine with this new addition. Thanks for keeping us all updated and I'm so glad you took your time and did your research before you made the decision to get a companion grey. :)

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Raposa, awh, Jenna sounds so sweet! It is a great experience to be able to watch them grow. I was wondering if he/she would know we were the people visiting all the time.. I am glad it had great results for you and Jenna. I tell the kids to talk to him/her so the baby knows their voice as well… every little bit helps..:P


Caitb2007 Thanks you! It’s funny, here I am thinking “what a sweet little baby, so docile” then I read the stages of a grey’s life and how they change month to month ..and saw this was totally normal behavior for them when they are this young.. lol.. Even though the waiting is hard, getting to visit and spend time with him as much as we like makes it a little easier.. takes the edge off.. :)




Thank you.. so far, perfect! {Feel-good-000200BB}

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