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Tyco and Adaya (picture)


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This picture isn't the best I had to snap it quick as soon as Tyco saw the camera it was OH NO MOMS GOT THAT THING THATS GOING TO STEAL MY SOUL RU HIDE:laugh: but before I had the camera Tyco and Adaya where actually having fun. Tyco went running into her cage when the camera came out but then after I took the picture I went to get Adaya and then Tyco came running back out of her cage because she didn't want me to take her. She sure has taken a liking to Adaya I'm really suprised if Adaya is in her cage Tyco doesn't take her eyes off her for a second unless Adaya is sleeping.




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I haven't weighed her for a couple weeks I'll weigh her this morning when she wakes up and let you know. I think she just has her feathers fluffed a little in the picture because she's scared of the camera. She does weigh 140gr more than Adaya normaly though. her normal weight is 579gr and Adaya weighs 440gr big difference

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