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Why is he doing this?


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Ecko is 12 weeks old now. Lately he has been misbehaving. Everytime I put him back in his cage he freaks out and tries to get out of the cage. He will pace back and forth on the ground then climb all over the cage really fast and then start biting down on the cage making a clicking noise. He gets really mad when I put him in there. He is out of his cage whenever me or my boyfriend are home. This has been his out of cage schedule: 7:30-9:00am, 12:30-2:00pm, 5:30-9:30pm during the weekdays. I think thats plenty enough time to be out of the cage but he still gets mad. I know once I leave he calms down because when I get home he is just sitting on the perch but then he starts up again. Its like everytime he sees me he does this. How can I get him to calm down when I put him in his cage?? I'm scared he is going to hurt himself one day.

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Poor Ecko! Chimay gets frustrated as well when he's inside of his cage while we're home. He doesn't bite the cage bars or anything, but he will put his head down in the corner and kick his leg back like a bull charging the cage wall. I would like to assume that Ecko wouldn't be able/willing to bite the cage bars so hard that he hurts himself but I don't know that for a fact. Hopefully someone with a little more experience with a cage-hating birdie will have more advice. Sorry :(

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You are going to have to give him allittle more cage time when your home like mabie 1/2 hour or so before you leave and a 1/2 hour after you come home you will have to be consistant so that it becomes part of his rotine then I'm sure it will get better Adaya loves her cage she has so many things to play with she beats the heck out of her swing and her big bell. Ihave her out allot but not constantly she probubly gets a total of 6 hr. of out of cage time a day and I take her outside for a walk for a hour of that each day but she love her cage time also. it sounds to me like echo is just throwing a spoilt baby tantrum to see if he's going to get his way.

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Thanks Pat! Yes I have been doing that when I started noticing this behaviour. I would put him in his cage while I'm home and not take him out until he finally calms down. And when I get home he starts up again but I would leave him in the cage and not pay him any attention until he stops. Sometimes he climbs so fast and falls from the top. Or he gets stuck on his toys and it scares me to watch.

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How do you mean he gets stuck on his toys? Are his talons getting caught in frayed rope or in chains that don't have closed links? Inspect the toys to see exactly where he's getting caught. If you can't fix the toy to eliminate the danger, it's a toy that should only be played with when you're supervising, not in his cage.


As far as him falling to the bottom, if you know he's about to launch into a temper tantrum, put a folded up blanket in the bottom of the cage. (Introduce the blanket slowly if he's scared of new things or you may have a whole new fit on your hands:P ) Or pad the bottom with several layers of paper. Basically, you're making a padded cell for your little grey lunatic:P You'll have to throw the blanket into the laundry alot, but at least you're reducing the chance of him hurting himself. Ignore the tantrum and then, when he's quiet reward him with a favourite treat and some attention, but with him still in the cage. If he starts up again the next time you walk away, ignore him again until he calms down. Repeat ad nauseam until he figures out that throwing a fit is not getting him out of the cage! Remember, you can be more stubborn than your bird:silly:

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Sounds like he just wants to get out to be with you as you are his flock, which is noraml for one so young. When he sees you leave he panics because he is scared the flock is going to leave him. He is a baby and has no idea why his flock is leaving.


Both of ours did this when they were young and we did what Tyco's mum said I sat with them when they were in their cage for 30min before I left. I then also told them where I had to go and why, how long I would be and that I would be back soon. I kept this very consistent every time I left them and after awhile they learnt what those words meant, so now when it is time they both repeat that it is time to go to work and they both say goodbye to me and that I am coming back soon. They both know that I will be back as this is what happens everyday and I have never failed to come back.


You can also try and divert his attention, so put something really exciting in the cage or give him his favourite treat when he gets in the cage, something to keep him occupied.

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Thanks for the video. I think your baby is telling you he wants to stay with you. One thing I would probably do is move that one perch he gets his wing over...in case he falls this way his wing won't get caught on it. I would just move it back. One thing I do with Finnigan who loved her cage when I first brought her home as a baby, but within a few weeks acted just like Ecko, is give her lots of foraging activity. I take dixie cups (the ones kids use in the bathroom, not waxed, just paper) and put some of her favorite foods in them and squish them in between the bars of her cage. She sees what I put in them, so she knows to go and get it. I also use those corn husks that are sale in the grocery store to make enchiladas (not tortillas, these are actual dried corn husks) and fold some treats into them and place them in her toys or a bag or between the bars, so she also has to find them and extract the treat. I let her see what I'm doing so she knows there is new stuff in her cage. Now, she still gets cranked when its time to go into her cage, we always have a little game of chase before she goes in. But, once she is in there, she makes her initial complaints, then is off to see what new stuff she has in her cage. Anyway, just some suggestion. Hope it helps.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm so happy. Ecko's behavior in the cage is so much better now. We have been putting him in the cage while we are home so he knows that we aren't always leaving him every time he has to go in the cage. Sometimes when we put him in he will start to freak out at first and then he will calm down and starts to play with his toys or eat. Other times he goes right in with no problem. He even went in the cage by himself the past two nights, I guess he was tired and was ready for bed. I made sure I gave him lots of praises so he knows thats good! I am so proud of my baby! :kiss:

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Awe Im glad to hear that Ecko is getting better.


Dalia is placed in her cage many times during her out of cage time just to avoid that situation. She kind of started to act like that, she would run/climb all over the bars and duck down put her wings up a bit like she is about to fly into the bars! She would get LOUD and make many different noises to get my attention.

Now she knows that when she is put in the cage she will soon come back out and that has calmed down that behaviour.

Good Job with ECKO, you are a GreYt mama!:P

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Thank you Cristen! I really thought his tantrums were over but now I realized he is the worst in the mornings. At night he goes in with no problems but in the morning boyyy does he hate it! Yesterday when I put him in his cage to go to work he threw a huge fit! My boyfriend was home still sleeping and he said he was screaming so loud when I walked out of the door and he is usually a very quiet bird. He ended up taking him out to calm him down, grr I told him to ignore him but he couldn't! But hey at least he is good at night lol, now I just gotta work on him in the mornings.

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Too Funny ( well to me at least ) He just wants to go with you to work that all! lol

Your boyfriend is a sucker and fell right into Ecko's Trap!!

Im the same way, I have to make myself do what is right for Dalia sometimes.

Dalia makes a noice and I swear she sounds like a puppy whining. Its so rediculous and I fall for it "sometimes" lol

You will be fine and I Ecko will get better not to worry.

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