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How do I get her to stop?


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Adaya has decided the top of my head makes a good landing strip. she has very sharp nails and my head is covered with little sores from her claws. I tryed everything she steps up good when I reach up and get her down only to have her do it again I have dodged her afew time so she has to land somewhere else but when I sitting I can't dodge her Ihave moved her down to my shoulder so many times hoping she will get the Idea that its better there but no such luck any suggestion would be welcome my sore head would greatly appreciate it.

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Pat, I have he same problem with my baby Jasper.


He is the same and my head is so sore, I am going to have to trim his nails soon. I went to the hairdressers the other day and had to tell them what was wrong with my head as it is covered in scratches, it really hurts when you wash your hair.


I have even considered wearing a baseball cap:laugh:

Would probably freak the birds out though so maybe another plan of action is needed.


I thought I was the only one with a sore head!


Apart from lifting them down every time they do it and hope they soon get the message Im not sure what else we can do. Let me know if you come up with something.

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Aw!!! Your poor scalps! I've been fortunate to have never had a birdie land on my head, but my breeder said that when Chimay and his clutch-mates were fledging she had several head-landings a day. Best get a baseball cap! Maybe they won't like the look of the cap and start aiming for a new landing place. I know my mom's cat HATES baseball caps and will avoid anyone wearing one...even her!

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Dayo went through this phase also. Rather than reaching up and getting him, after several times I decided my head would become a poor choice as a landing zone. I simply wobbled or shook my head as he was ladning and of course he would then do a "Fly by" and eithe try again, getting the same results or finally decide he should land on my shoulder.


It did take a week or so for him to give up, but it worked. :-)


It's the same principal as them learning that if they try to land on a light object such as a lamp shade that will tip over, they soon decide to not try it any longer. :-)

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I am lucky, Charlie does not get on my head,only arms and shoulder.My arm is cut to bits. I done his nails the other night and he was a star. Just let me pick his feet up and trim the very edges of his claws.I still cant get over him letting me.I think a nail trim is in order.or place a pedicure perch where they spend most time for a few weeks.A base ball cap sounds like a good idea,it will either deter them from landing on your head or at least cushion the blow.Also as Dan said wobble your head as they land so it is unstable.


Post edited by: she, at: 2009/04/30 20:48<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/04/30 20:51

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:laugh: Haha Dave and Acapella crack me up!


Ecko landed on my head a couple of times but not a lot. He likes to land on his playstand which is a good thing for me. I hope it works out for you Pat, I bet you are so sore.

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I'm kinda thinking a hat with a perch on top, and some toys dangling off the sides, and a treat dish incase Adaya gets hungry.... Oh, and you'll need a bell. It better have a chin strap, 'cause this hat sounds like FUN!!!


Seriously, dulling the talon points is your best bet to start with, although a cap might not be a bad idea. When Sam gets shoulder time with me - like right now - I put on my "bird shirt". It's a sweatshirt that he can climb around on and grip, plus I don't really care if he should decide to try to hole punch the shoulder - although this is discouraged - or poop on the sleeve! It's kinda funny because he is getting quite used to it. While I've been typing he's been grasping the loose shirt and climbing around the front of my chest. While hanging off the front of me, he's getting a little goofy and beaking my chin. Its the "hey, stop typing and play with the super cute birdie" trick. Geeze, I'm such a pushover! The only drawback is when its bedtime he knows to move the back where those pesky "step-up" hands can't reach - that smart little monster.


How about putting your hand on your head when you hear her coming? Maybe she can learn the hand is the landing spot and you could progress to just holding your hand out?


A sore scalp can't be any fun. Scratches upon scratches OUCH :pinch:


Tom<br><br>Post edited by: SamsDad, at: 2009/05/02 06:50

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