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Hi Everyone - Great Forum

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Hi, I have had this forum bookmarked for ages now but I couldnt resist registering any longer.


Im from Dundee in Scotland and my African Grey is called Zico, he will be 1 on the 1st August.


I have recently just had his DNA sexing results which came back as male, I was sure he was a girl. No more kisses lol. :)


This is the first African Grey I have owned so this forum has been very usefull to me and i still have loads to learn.


He whistles loads and loads and loads, does the phone ringing perfectly and came out with "hello bird" last week and hasnt stopped saying it since.


I have hardly have any pics, will have to take more soon.


Here's the monster at christmas




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Hello Zicodee and welcome to the forum. So glad you finally joined. You grey is beautiful and he sounds like such a character. Cognrats on his first words I bet you were so excited to hear him talk. Anyways I look forward to hearing more about you and Zico. Thanks for sharing a pic of him, we love pics! :)

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Hiya Zicodee and welcome to the forum.


What a great picture of Zico, he is so cute.

Congratulations on those first words, there will be no stopping him now, nearly time for the ear plugs lol.


Scotland is such a beautiful place:)


Hope you are enjoying the forum.

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I think I need them allready.


He is a brilliant pet and im lucky to have him.


He has a few quirks and a couple of recent issues tho, nothing too serious. Im gonna have a look round the forum for some advice.


He just flew off with my wallet lol

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Hello Zicodee and welcome to the family, so glad you could finally join us after all this time and we look forward to hearing more about you and Zico.


I am sure you have learned a lot from our site and you will continue to learn every day as I do and I have been here almost two years now.


I think they all "fly off with our wallets" as it is no easy task keeping them in food, toys, cages and such, they are not for anyone on a very tight budget for they have their requirements.


Please continue to read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


Thanks for including a pic of Zico in your opening post, saves us from having to ask but if you have some more recent ones we would love to see them.

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Everyone is seriously nice in here, its great to know that there is so much support and advice around.


I ment he literally grabbed my wallet yesterday and flew off with it the monster lol.


There are some amazing pics on this site. I dont have many of Zico but ill try and take some today and share them.


Thanks for the warm welcome every1..




** Just posted some pics in the photo bit**<br><br>Post edited by: zicodee, at: 2009/05/01 17:11

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Watch your money I left my purse open one day and one of my wonderful bird shredded a hundred dollar bill LOL It took me 6 hours to find all the serial numbers and tape them together so the bank would replace it for me. I put my purse in the closet with the door shut now The little bugger don't understand I need that money to keep them spoilt rotten. Welcome to the Grey family

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