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Gruff voice


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I was wondering if any other owners have experienced their grey's voice being a little gruff at times. Beau's has been like this for about 24hrs approx. He seems otherwise well, eating, pooing & behaving normally but his quiet chatting (of the bird variety) seems to be a little "throaty" - like a human with a sore throat, oh God these things are so difficult to describe without you being able to hear it for yourself!:laugh: As usual I'm worrying about Beau. Ah the joys of being a new owner!

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How old is he? Our Chimay is about 5 months old, and trying to talk...when he starts trying out his human-talk, his voice drops and gets raspy and kind of gruff. It's a dramatic difference in tone and volume to his typical birdie chatter. If he's young and just trying out his hand at imitating you, that might be the reason for the change in voice

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Jenna says some things in a really gruff, deep voice. I have no idea where it comes from, but it is pretty funny. I don't know how she decides which things to say in a high voice and which to say in a gruff voice, either . . . her "I love you" (which she hears from me all the time) is one of the growly phrases, and "What are you DOING?" is high pitched.

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I'm sure this is completely normal.


Sam uses a woman's voice for some things - previous owner's wife(?) and he uses a deeper gravely voice with the words I'm teaching him. Sometimes when he mumbling his voice is deep and gravely. Sam is 14 months old and is not a real clear talker yet. I think they practice with the sounds first until they learn how to reproduce the human voice. Sams voice is often gurgley.


Don't worry, just enjoy his sounds and wait for that day when you hear "Babys" first words! I really enjoy when I hear Sam try a word or sound I've been using.


Just beware, that these bird are great at getting certain words almost the first time. These are usually the words you DON'T want them to learn and repeat, so be careful what you say when you smash your finger or stub your toe! :ohmy:



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Ana Grey is 8 months old and sometimes I hear gravelly and deeper sounds come out of her beak. I am the only one who talks to her and my voice is higher and her breeder was a widow. So I don't know why she does that unless she is just practicing whatever she is trying to say and it is just gravelly.

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