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Hello Pete and welcome to the forum! Tell us a little more about your birds. What are their names? Do they talk? How old are they? We would to hear more about you and your flock and see some pictures if you have any. Enjoy the site. :)

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Welcome to the family Pete so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your grey.


So what are the names of your birds? How long have you had them?


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


We love to look at pictures here so if you have some of your grey and macaw we would appreciate it very much.

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Hi Pete, welcome to the family. If you have any pictures of your TAG we would love to see them. We also have an "Other Bird Room" so that you can chat about and post pictures of your Blue & Gold. What is your grey's name and how old is he/she?

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I'm still exploring the site trying to figure out how everything works. I have Photos of Tim with my 2 year old son just sitting on his arm. Tim is kind of cranky today, he actually nipped at my wife and bit me twice for the first time today, which in my entire almost two years of having him was really strange and here I was bragging that he was a sweetheart and would never bite me oh well. It happens and I'm not mad at him for it. At the time I joined I was using my phone so I wasn't able to see where to upload my photo internet explorer on windows mobile isn't as great as it is on the pc so I'll probably download netscape or something, tried opera but no flash support. But anyways, my flock consists of two dogs a 150lb alaskan malamute and a 10lb sheltie, a cat, a baby blue and gold named Sunny who's going on a month old, and Tim the African Grey Timneh, my wife, son, my child to be my wife is 3 months pregnant. As soon as I find some time I'll post some photos. I've been real busy with real estate work and my at home land scapping project, play time with the son and the wife. So I tend to be a real busy individual. I usually let my African Grey out of his cage for hours on end. He sits on my shoulder while I eat and cook or tries stealing food off my fork if he doesn't have his own plate and even when he does have his own he tries to steal it anyways. I usually feed him fruit three times a week outside of what he eats when he's not in the cage which is usually what we're eating at the time, no need to place vegitables in his cage since we usually eat thhem and he ends up with them as well. His favorite all time food is Spaghetti. you could place five dishes in front of his face the minute you put the spaghetti down thats the first thing he goes for. Spaghetti with meat sauce. The sauce is usually home made and the meat is seasoned ground beef.

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Well theres one photo now, thats my two year old son and my year and a half old African Grey Timneh. They're pretty used to eachother considering he's holding him on his own on his arm without assistance and without pestering him. As far as the Macaw when I get some free time which will probably be sometime on saturday I'll have a photo of him then.

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Hi, Well out of my surprise the breeder shipped the Blue and Gold Macaw to me very very early and for the first time I'm hand feeding a blue and gold macaw. Thing is even with all the time I've spent with parrots and the time I have had in a bird rescue I have never fed a baby bird before. So far it seems like it's doing ok, but I'm so nervous that I'm going to mess up while feeding this bird that I tend to worry my head off and sweat like crazy. I've called the breeder several times and she's walked me through it but it's not the same as actually seeing something done. I've watched video upon video upon video from youtube and kaytee products and know that I'm supposed to go from right to left with the syringe, so far I've been going by gut instinct watching the crop fill and watching how it's feeding and when it stops eating. So far she's told me it's supposed to be eating 80cc and half the time I can't get it to take more then 60 or 70cc and it's a month old. So i've been going by well if it's not bobbing and trying to down the syringe like a bottle of pills (sorry for the analogy if it affends anyone) then it's not hungry. This is my second day (yesterday I ended up picking her up from the airport) feeding it, and like I said it seems like it's doing ok but I still worry. Yesterday was the worse but as today it seems easier to feed it but like I said this is my first time with a baby bird.


Shooting off topic yesterday night after feeding we were sitting with it in the living room watching tv and it stood up and at 1 month old said hello. I have never heard of a baby bird ever doing this or for a bird that little doing it at all. For a one month old it is much larger than my african grey timneh. And it took Tim (african grey) almost 5 months after he turned 1 year old before he could start uttering out sentences and what not, now he just answers and talks freely. But that was another surprise that I got. I know this is in the wrong spot and I considered that since I already started here that maybe I could get some kind of advice in the same thread instead of me zipping out another thread elsewhere when I'm not sure it's necessary. Thanks alot.


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I don't knowif this will help at all because its for feeding a Grey but the basic principal is the sameI'll post 2 threads that you should read



http://www.greyforums.net/forums/the-nursery/73842-associated-risks-of-hand-feeding.html<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/05/11 08:01

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thanks I appreciate it so far so good no dead birdie and ive been feeding her for a week even changed my photo, shes growing fast! she was bigger than Tim when I got her now shes twice his size. when and if I can get Tim to cooperate ill take a photo of both of them

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Tim I know exactly how you feel regarding feeding a baby. I did not bring my Grey home so early, but I was able to feed him while at the breeders visiting each week under the careful guidance of those wonderful people. I sweat too and was nervous as hell every time I did it in fear of getting food down the wind pipe.


It sounds like your doing a good job of it and the most important thing to be careful of is the temperature of that formula, since you have obviously got the feeding portion under control.


The volume of formula he is consuming is enough for him. Most volumes of formula you give are general guidelines per species, not an exact value each bird will consume.


The do grow fast don't they? You'll continue to be shocked at the growth rate of that B&G, they are a very large bird and have a lot of growing to do in the first 12 weeks. :-)

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