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Found a Grye!!!!!!!!!


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I was without internet for 4 weeks!!!! Missed this site so much!!! Two weeks ago my Mom phones me at work "I have found a baby grye in my yard the dogs got hold of him but his ok after a stuggle with the dog" I rushed over there very excited the moment I saw him I said"this is not a baby his about 2-3 years old" the most beautifull grye and bewildered we walk around asking if someone lost a grye no one came forward after 4 hours I told my Mom I am taking him home phoned my friend he had a cage for us luckily he started eating the evening and drinking water...the next 2 days I went every where to look for posters nothing so I am keeping him he is adapting very well I think he was used for breeding as he doesn't talk and is a bit scared of our hands he makes the most beautifull sounds he took my husband as a friend he can scratch him and kiss him but no hands lol....Boesman wasn't impressed with the new guy and he clungs on me when ever I let him out I keep on reminding him he is still Moms number one lol.....This morning the new Grye (we still don't know what to call him) said his first word "HELLO" I was so impressed with him so there is a chance that he will learn to talk?? He is eating and drinking very well and I let him out of the cage and he climbs back in himself just need to clip his wings but for now we are taking it slow to gain his trust will post some pics 2morrow!!!!



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Its only been a couple of weeks and you still may find the owner.


Have you tried all your vet clinics and rescue centres to see if anyone has reported a grey missing?


Someone must be missing their baby.

A lot of people do go on forums as well, please keep trying.


Im glad he has settled okay but I would leave off clipping the wings in case you find the babies owner.


I would give it a bit longer.


You could advertise in the rescue rooms like this one and get people to pm if they think the baby could be theirs. What country are you in?


Good luck.

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I am from South Africa I am doing all I can to locate the owners like screening the posts in our local papers for a missing grye we don't have any avian vets around here nearest one is about 70km from us no one reported it there as well, will be looking in the local paper 2morrow again!!I actually recieved a call today and if the person is correct about where he thinks he comes from (it's one of my friends) I really don't know if I would send him back he apparently wasn't looked well after but only time will tell if they are searching for him I will wait for their reaction first as I do not intend to put him back in a harsh lifestyle it may sound as if I am judgemental but I ABSOLUTLY LOVE GREYS!!!! And if I can give him a better life why not?


If my grey were lost I would have gone to hell and back to find him they don't seem to do anything???

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Maybe you should put out flyers that says found grey or put it in the newspaper! I know I would be devastated if my grey was lost and I bet you would too. You shouldn't clip his wings so fast either! How do you know he wasn't taken care of good? Does he look hurt? You don't know if they aren't looking for him. Please do eveything you can so he can find his owner.

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It is great that you are taking such good care of this lost grey. Please do whatever you would hope someone else would do if Boesman were lost to return him to you. It would break my heart of my Ana Grey were lost. I would do everything I could to find her and I would pray if someone else found her they would do all they could to find me. Our greys are like family, if a child were lost you just couldn't keep the child because you found him/her. You are a great person to take such good care of this sweet grey, I hope the owner is found quickly.

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I bought the paper this morning still no advert I intend to put a flyer up at the shops around here this weekend I was scaning this morning again the area he was found for any adverts still nothing so I am gonna put it up!!!!! I know I would be devastated if I lost my grye and do something about it!!! Will keep my eyes and ears open I did ask around all the houses where he was found how far can they go when they get out? If my Mom hadn't been at home the dogs would have bitten him to death and we would have never known about him I am just glad that didn't happen!! Thanks I will keep you updated

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Wow!! What a story. You're doing the right thing in that you're posting flyers everywhere. Who knows?? You may now have a permanent addition to your family!!! I would definitely heed the advice of those saying not to clip the wings. Hold off on it until the ownership situation has been resolved.

Please Please let us know how everything goes.

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I wouldn't put what kind of bird on the posters I would just say found a lost bird that way when someone call you can ask what kind of bird they lost if they don't say an african grey then you know its not their bird also look for something about the bird that is a little different like a red feather where it not suposed to be of a white toe nail things like that.

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[file name=FOUND_LOST_CAG.doc size=47104]http://www.greyforums.net/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/FOUND_LOST_CAG.doc[/file] Ok first mistake I made I did put on the flyer it's a grey but no additional info and the area he got lost he is about 2-3 years old as the eyes are a yellowish

colour he is not clipped, he doesn't speak just makes the most beautifull sounds he said hello again this morning and the sound I picked up quickly he makes the sound of a koo-koo clock so maybe I can ask which sounds did their bird make??? He also attached himself to my husband so I figure his breeder is male or he had a Dad that looked after him;) he walks backwards and then heads up for a rub so cute!!!




Post edited by: Natasha, at: 2009/05/04 09:27<br><br>Post edited by: Natasha, at: 2009/05/04 09:28



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Still nothing putting a add in the local newspaper 2morrow Lost is ok (I named him Lost) until I know what his real name is like I said he doesn't talk only says Hello and that he learned from Boesman. It's been nearly 4 weeks:unsure:

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  • 2 weeks later...



Nope and the sad thing is in the same neighbourhood another grey has gone lost but it's a baby he is still in rearing stage the owners put up some posters at the shop where I did so I phoned the Lady to ask if he is found yet still not found he went missing over the weekend cage was open and flew out of the kitchen his 3 and a half months old so I asked if it's the only grey they have thought maybe they are breeders and didn't see my poster so she said no they bought him from a petshop in R/fontein far from us..


But I feel sorry for Lost because there this baby goes missing and immediatly the Lady puts up posters what about Lost's owners??? Are they worried?? Do they even know his missing as I said before think he was a breeders Grey maybe he was with others Grey's outside and they didn't even notice someone is missing that what I am thinking because I would go to hell and back to find Boesman if he got lost..I don't know?! He is adapting very well with us kisses me :) I so impressed by him his beautifull wil post pics 2morrow!!

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Oh my so many greys lost and hearts are broken, yes like you I would be searching high and low until I found my baby. These stories make me so sad for I know how I would feel in the same situation but I pray that the birds are found. I know you have a found one but if you found his owner you would give it up but until or if the owner is found you are enjoying him and he is settling into his new home.


Pictures, yes please post pics.

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You are being very brave about this whole situation Natasha. Looking after Lost and trying not to fall in love with him must be hard:S

But it really sounds as though no one is missing him, which is very sad indeed:( As you know my friend lost then thankfully found her wee Cheeko, we were out day and night looking for him.So i really dont think his owners want him:(

So maybe you should just keep him?

I know i would!

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