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ZZero ate soap HELP!!


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he was on the shower rod well he jumped on the spicket and shredded a bar of soap I washed his beak but I dont want to give him water , or do I ?


Help should I be worried??


Post edited by: cflanny, at: 2009/04/29 03:03<br><br>Post edited by: cflanny, at: 2009/04/29 03:04

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He won't eat or swallow the soap. Too gooy and chalky. If you can't hold the bird yourself, have someone hold him while you look under the upper mandible and check for anything sticky, gummy, or solid that might be stuck in there. Have a couple of Q-tips nearby. If there is, just wipe it out towards the tip of the beak. After you do that just leave him alone. Water? you mean force water in him or just let him drink? As usual, have water around and let him drink when he feels like it. If he doesn't wanna drink, don't worry about it. Don't make a big deal of it when you're checking him. Try to do things gently and calmly and then put him where he normally should be.

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ok this is exactly what I have just done with the qtips, the vets office have a call into my avain vet but he happens to not be on call tonight so they were gonna try, the suggested I call a diffent vet. I put the pieces together and I truly dont think he ingested any but it was all over his beak.


Water I mean will it make it bubbling and gassy if he did ingest?? and blow him up ??<br><br>Post edited by: cflanny, at: 2009/04/29 03:37

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hes great , we made it! I panicked cause all I could think of is the tale where birds eat rice and blow up :P

I just pictured him getting all bubbly. What a little punk. but we are good and Dave was correct and I am so glad he and Judy were here to help :)

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The thing these guys get themselves into they are just like little kids. this story so reminded me of once when my kids where young and one of my kids ate a mushroom from the yard. I phoned poison control and they told depending on the type one could kill her I had to get her to puke it up with appekack these birds do the same things as kids do you got to watch them every second you can't even leave a bar of soap laying around because if you do they will find it little buggers just like to turn our hair grey so its the same color as them:) Sorry to hear you had such a scare.

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