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Hi :laugh:


My name is Miki and I just bought myself an african grey. I call him Gary. I live out in the country side in northern Ontario. I have had parrots before, and they were very friendly and noisy. Gary is very quiet, does not say a single word all day or make any noise, and he shakes when i get close to him. He also bits really hard when i get my fingers near him. All i can do is to get a piece of wood close to him, and he would go on it. That is how i take him in and out of the cage. He does not eat anything from my hand, so i can not really train him :( . I am just not impressed because i am getting the feeling that the poor bird was abused:angry: . I was told he is only 18 months old. That is about all I can say about my bird and myself. I guess i am here hoping to talk to someone who can help me train my little guy.:dry:

Thanks to all,


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Welcome Miki and Gary! You will find all of the help you need here :) I am a pretty new grey owner myself. I must say I was very lucky and got a very well adjusted and secure bird. Just give Gary some time and talk to him a lot near his cage and speak softly to him. It may take him a little more time to feel comfortable and trust you, especially if he has been mistreated before.

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Hello Miki and welcome to the family, so glad you found us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Gary.


You don't say how long ago you bought him but greys need time to settle in and feel comfortable especially if he is older than a just weaned baby. Give him some more time to calm down and be patient with him so he will start to trust you.


I hope he wasn't abused in his previous home but if he was then you will have a bigger battle on your hands but it will just take longer to accomplish the same goal.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


We love pictures here so if you have some of Gary you would share with us we would appreciate it.

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Hi Miki, how long have you had Gary and from where did you get him? Please don't give up on Gary, he just needs to learn to trust you. Be patient, loving and gentle with him and he will learn to trust you and then you will have the best companion you could ever want. If you have any questions just ask and we will try to help you and Gary. Welcome to the family.

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Thanks for all your support. I have had him for just over 10 days now. I will give him more time, and if need be, i will take him for a vet check.


I will read more on this website to see what I can find. I really like this site. Many thanks to its creator.



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There is a mountain of information here and plenty to keep you reading for a long time and there is usually a few of us on at any time if you have questions.


Ten days is nothing to a grey, he will need lots of time to get used to you so concentrate on that and building trust then you can work on training.

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Welcome Miki and Gary!!


Congratulations on taking in a Grey in need of a loving home. :-)


It will take time , patience and lots of love, but Gary will come around. Just don't push him or it will slow down the trust building process.


Looking forward to hearing more.

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

Bird abuse is not a joking matter. :evil: Far too common. :( Gary will be all right with lots of love, time, and patientz.

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Gary may need some mental stimulation. I dont see any toys in his cage. My grey makes plenty of noise when he plays with his toys. You might want to give him something to make him come alive . As the saying goes a happy grey is a busy one.

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You can make so Toys for him quit easily and inexpensive take some plastic shower curtain rings and make a chain in every third ring roll up a news paper and thread it through he will have a grey't time ripping it apart or fill some toilet paper rolls with a few treats and roll up the end hang a few on the sides of his cage and whatch him have fun getting to treats you can even go outside and get a branch off a bird safe tree put it in the oven for 20 at 250 degrees to kill anything init and hang that he will love chewing the bark off and then chewing the branch itself. I have a rescue and it took me 7 months before she allowed me to touch her try not to look at your bird straight on for awhile and don't aprouch his cage straight on either come in from an angle or zigzag he will soon learn you are not going to hurt him if he was abused he may look at you as a pretetor in which case you have to show him your not that is why you don't want to come straight on. sit with him and read to him try to teach him something like colors get a bunch of colored blocks and tell him witch color each one is and then ask him to touch the yellow one or the red one which ever the case may be. before you do anything for him tell him what it is your going todo like change his water,clean his cage put toys in his cage. he will soon come around to the understanding that your his friend. once that happens thing will progress nicely it just takes time patients and lots of love. welcome to the forum

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Thanks for the advise:woohoo: . I leave him some paper to chew from time to time...i noticed he loves doing that. I also noticed that he is very friendly with my female friends when they come over:evil: . He even says hello to them...and even kisses them!!! I had no clue the little monkey knows how to kiss! lol... i think there is something about me that bothers him:dry: . I am guessing i was the one who took him away from his previous owner...or i just look scary! lol...

The picture i have now is what his previous owner sent me. I have some stuff in his cage to play with. Good catch however...i never noticed the cage was empty. I will keep you updated on how he is doing. Thanks for all the advise. :laugh:

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