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Hello Missmybuttons and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and these two greys.


So you understand that greys that are used as breeder birds are not pets or vice versa, as breeder birds they have to have the right conditions to mate and raise young. Are you prepared to not have much contact with them if you allow them to mate?


Most of us here on the forum have pet greys but we do have some members who breed greys and would be able to give you some advice if you need it.


Do you have any other birds right now?


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


We love pictures here so if you have some of your greys you would share with us we would appreciate it.


BTW, what are their names?

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Yep I am completely ready to take on two breeding birds thats why I bought them because I want babies,I also know that the down side is not to bother them so..... we set up camaras both in the nest box and out side so we can watch them and make shure their eating ect with out having to bother them . They also have their very own room with a privacy curtain so they can see the window and outside but not be disturbed by shadows in the hallway .I am feeding pellets and sprinkling cuddlebone powder for them on it , and I offer lots of fresh veggies and dryed fruit but they are picky . I now present Shrek!! and Pheona!!. (we took this the day we got them home , it was the first time they had been without their nest box in years , we had to set them in front of the window while we got their permanent home ready . I am so in love with them .)Yes I have other birds I have a pair of Cockatiels(Fred and Wilma) who will be blessing us with eggs on the first of the month .:)

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Somebody likes children's stories, Shrek and Pheona, Fred and Wilma, those are cute couples straight out of cartoons and movies but I like them.


I look forward to seeing a pic of them and you are right to leave them alone, they like their privacy but then don't we all.

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Thanks for the clarification missmybuttons. Congratulations on your nesting tiels, Fred and Wilma, and good luck with your breeder greys, Shrek and Pheona. Perhaps you will be able to share some videos of your baby greys from hatch to fledglings? If we ask real nice!!!!

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Welcome missmybuttons!!


It's GreYt having you and your flock here. From the sounds of your experience and the Greys previous home environment as breeders, your setup pretty well.


Looking forward to how this progresses and also maybe a link to the nest box cam's you have if they are web or ip capable. :-)

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that would be neat I currently have both my camaras set up to a dvd recorder so I will see if I can get anything interesting downloaded to my pc im hopeing for a clutch , one of them has been spending alot of time in the box , chewing and now leaving some feathers behind, we think we may have seen some Llloovvee{Feel-good-0002006B} dancing about a week ago (fingers crossed) so were waiting to see. just curious since I cant seem to find this info , does anyone know how long it takes a grey to form and lay and egg , I know it doesnt have to be furtile to be layed , but im curious how long to wait because of egg binding. I can find that info on all sorts of birds but not greys for some reason . I love the sounds they make I espesially love the howling Awwoooo lol I just love it , you can see them on face book under missmybuttons, She was my beloved zon .

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Thanks for the link to photobucket and hopefully some videos coming this way from you. :-)


My Breeders Greys usually copulate in the morning for about ten days before the hen lays. Once they start copulating in the evening as well, laying is eminent. I am certain there are variances from pair to pair as well as diet and environment. But from the other Breeders that also visit at times, it seems fairly consistent.


Looking forward to hearing and seeing more. :-)

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