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First night in new cage.


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Another big breakthrough here. I put Dorian's new cage together about a week and a half ago and slowly moved it closer to him. If I had him on my arm I would take him over to it, even hold him inside it for a minute so he could have a good look around. A couple of days ago I linked the two cages with a birdie ladder. Yesterday he spent a lot of time climbing around the outside of it, but didn't go in. So last night after an exciting game of 'can I chew up the computer keyboard before mom stops me', I took him over to it again and held him inside. He shocked the heck out of me when he stepped down, climbed up onto the highest perch and made his tired birdy sound. I stayed in the next room on the computer for half and hour to make sure he was ok, but he was fine, beak grinding away. I'll post a picture in a bit, but he's officially spent his first night in hes new home. Yaaaaay Dorian!

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