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Poop Q


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Mabie she eating more of something that she didn't eat before. as long as it looks normal and does smell then he's probubly ok I would watch for any other changes in his behavior and if you notice anything different at all I would take him to the vet.

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Tyco and Judygramma are right. If you're giving the basic same diet it's not the color that would be a sign of problems but it would be the consistency of the droppings. If they became extremely thin it would be a small problem. Another reason color change happens is because there's an item in the diet that's being digested much more so than before which will cause a color change. Another reason is the age of the bird. As the bird ages, the digestive system works better and droppings will look different. Not to upset your dinner but droppings especially in the morning will be very fluid, thick and with no particular shape. Muddy looking. Actually, it sounds like your bird's digestive system is working better because droppings that are only green are signs that a bird needs more varieties of things in the diet.

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Ok, I'll keep an eye out. That is good to hear Dave. I agree with that morning poop! She won't go in her cage, so when I pick her up, I wait for it over the paper. It is a bomb! :sick: It is like that after afternoon nap too.


It could be maybe now that she is home, she has only been with us 5 weeks, and I believe her diet was mostly pellets (Roudybush :( ) before. She is on Harrison's now, and 90% of her diet is fresh vegatables, fruits and mashes of many varieties. So, maybe it is as it should be now.


Thank-you all!

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