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Breeders not PETS


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It has to do with complete bonding of one bird with another bird. People aren't part of that process. A bird who is a pet bird gives allegiance to the owner. Put that pet bird in with a breeder who isn't a pet and

1--he/she pet bird won't know what to do and how to do it.

2--will be extremely confused as to where to aim that allegiance that was previously built up with the owner.

3--the breeder bird will sense that the other isn't a breeder and may try to maim or kill him/her.


Successful breeding means two bonded parrots, left pretty much alone as far as human interaction goes. It allows them to concentrate on their

Mate and breeding.


Parrots bond very tightly with their mates, especially when they have raised young together.


Breeder birds are very aggressive to people who try to interfere with them. One will go out of it's way to protect the other.


The best breeders are birds who have never been pets.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/04/27 02:08

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Thank you very much for taking the time out to let me know this...


A friend of mine just picked up a pair of parrolettes and you have described them to me to a tee....


She did not know what the heck was wrong with them. I will let her know.


Anyways, thanks again for the info...

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