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opinions please!


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Hi Everyone!

I have been reading thorugh previous post and have aquired alot of information. Thank you all for that. I would like to get your opinion on my situation to see if an African Grey is right for my family.


I was approached by an intern at the school I work in about taking her African Grey. She is going away to college and her family is no longer able to care for him properly. The parrot is 17 and she has had it for 16 years. She knows about my love for animals and thought it would be a good match. I would love the bird, BUT I have a 3 year old daughter, a 9 year old boy,3 parakeets, 1 hamster, 1 Malaysian Box turtle (he is 22)a cat and 3 dogs. We are one big happy family. CheChe lives with other animals now, but I assume not the high number of animals I have. I guess my biggest concern is 1....the cat and 2....my daughter. I could get her to just look with her eyes and not touch, but will the bird be okay living in a average size house with a very TYPICAL 3 year old (still has her terrible 2s days now and then). I have been reading so much about their personalities that I began to wonder if it would best for the parrot. As for the cat......I just don't know.


Your opinions would be greatly appreciated.


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Well, many greys aren't fond of young children in general. Greys don't care for the erractic quick activity that kids do. They don't like kids poking their hands in their cages and they will quickly bite if that happens. The bird would have no trouble with other animals unless you have any that will go after a bird. Lots of people have cats and dogs and don't have a problem. Each cat as well as each bird have individual personalities. Only you know your cat's personality.If your kids are old enough to understand a serious talk about what and what not to do concerning the bird, possibly, it can be done. Basically, the kids have to restrain themselves from scaring the bird. Also understand that the bird is an adult.

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I think it depends on how well socialised the bird is. My grey does not like it too much when my nieces and nephews come round.I think the fast eratic movements children make can unnerve them if they are not brought up with children.Other animals may be ok depending as Dave said on personality.If your children can understand the need to be calm around the grey and be relied on not to feed it any forbiden treats It could work out.

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I do believe that the bird has grown up with children. the girl who has had him for 16 years is only about 18. She also has family with younger children who visit often. My older child is super responsible and LOVES animals. I feel like this will be an incedible experience for me family, I just want the same for the parrot.

Thanks for all your help.

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Hi haiden, I have an 8 year old grandson who is very responsible and well behaved. His mother and I told him what we expected of him with regard to being introduced to my grey and he listened and because he loves animals did exactly what we asked him to do. He can step up Ana Grey and pet her. He never goes to her without first asking me. I never leave them alone. We explained to him how Ana Grey could bite if afraid or frightened. He understands and is very respectful of her. He understands that Ana Grey is an animal and he is responsible to care for her and protect her. He loves the responsibility. Haiden, you know your child best and that is the criteria you should use in choosing whether a bird is right for your family. As for the cats. My grandson owns a cat which was born in a barn and learned to hunt and stalk prey. I would never have Ana Grey and LC (little cat) in the same room together. I know my animals and children/grandchild. Only you can decide what works for your family. Good luck with your decision and welcome to the family!!

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Shannon I think this could work for you if you take the advice of the others who posted ahead of me, you know your children and pets. As Dave said most small children are too loud and quick moving for greys to be comfortable around but if you have a serious talk with them then it may work out.


Introduction to other pets you have around the house should be taken slowly and never leave your grey outside of his cage unsupervised when the cat or dogs are in the room.


An african grey can be a good addition to your family as long as you know what their requirements are and willing to take on a lifetime committment to one.

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Thank you all so much. I do believe that we are going to take the grey! I am so excited!!!! I understand the care that is involved and I am very willing and eager to provide that care and time needed to make the grey part of our family...the right way! However....How long do I give the bird and what signs do I look for to see if she isn't adjusting well???? I know not to expect much right away, but i also want to make sure that I don't miss any "warning" signs.


You all have helped me to make my decision and I am greatful to all of you!! thanks again.


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Congratulations on your decision, Shannon. There is a thread here called BODY LANGUAGE MOST FREQUENTLY SEEN written by Dave007. I believe it would be very helpful in helping you understand your new grey's body language. Dave is one of the best. Can't wait to see some pictures of your new grey. What is his name?

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Thanks to all. CHE CHE should be coming home tomorrow. Her current parent had a family complication on Tuesday. Can't wait. I am going to look around the site some more and look into the "welcome room". Look for pictures soon!


Thanks again everyone. We can't wait.

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