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Guess where Emma went today?


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Hahaha. I can see Emma saying - I'll have 5 of thoses, 10 of these, oh, yeah and a bag of those. Woouldn't you just love to turn her lose in the bulk nut section? PAPARTY!!!! :woohoo:


That's a great looking carrier! Who sells those? I've been looking for a decent way to transport Sam and one of those would be perfect.



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I ordered an adventure pack for Tyco as I don't beleive I'll ever be able to harness train her. Adaya has had her harness on a few times now and she doesn't like it much but puts up with it. I'm sure once she conects it to everytime I put it on we got out she will learn to love it. Tyco will never allow me to put it on her I would be torn to bits if I even atempted it and then she'd never talk to me again so I figured an Adventure pack is the only solution if I want to bring her with me. Where do you live that they allow birds in Grocery stores. Up here in Canada there is no way they think there going to contaminate eveything. I can take her everywhere else but the grocery store is a complete NONO

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I have never taken Josey to any kind of store here, most stores have no pets allowed signs except for maybe seeing eye dogs but glad you got to take Emma with you. I can just see her eyeing all the goodies she could get into, thanks for sharing that with us.

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Thanks for the nice comments.I have never had any problems taking Emma or Sachi anywhere in their adventure pack. Dogs are not allowed in grocery stores but parrots contained in an Adventure pack are fine. Not sure I would do the same if they were only on a harness though. Probably wouldn't be safe for them and would most definitely make some people uncomfortable.


Nor would I bring my parrots to a hospital/medical center or a restaurant.<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/04/26 22:04

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Right now i just have little carrier i bought from wal mart. Storm loves riding in the car. I take her just about everywhere except pet stores. Only had a problem with my optometrist, didnt like me taking her out of the carrier. Grocery stores, to pick up fast food, no probs. I have always had positive experiences taking her out. Everyone is interested in Storm. It really helps socialize her. The other day she even said hello to a passerby. Normally she doesnt talk about strangers. Though like LTG it may be a differ story if i brought her out

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Right now i just have little carrier i bought from wal mart. Storm loves riding in the car. I take her just about everywhere except pet stores. Only had a problem with my optometrist, didnt like me taking her out of the carrier. Grocery stores, to pick up fast food, no probs. I have always had positive experiences taking her out. Everyone is interested in Storm. It really helps socialize her. The other day she even said hello to a passerby. Normally she doesnt talk about strangers. Though like LTG it may be a differ story if i brought her out

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