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I think it was on purpose!


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Big happenings around here last night. This past week I've been either out of the house or upstairs alot, away from Dorian. When I'm in the house I leave his cage door open so he can climb around. Last night I was upstairs in the kitchen doing the dishes and little Mr. bossy was yelling for me to get downstairs to be with him. Well, I didn't obey fast enough and next thing I know I hear a great flapping of wings and he arrives on the landing of the basement stairs.:ohmy:


Those of you who know Dorian's story know he never fledged and has always been clipped. A couple of times he's ended up on the second or third stair when I was upstairs but I've never been sure if it was on purpose or if something startled him off his perch. I especially questioned whether he meant to end up where he was after he lost all of his flight feathers on his left wing during a night fright a couple of months ago. I didn't think he had a lot of control over the direction he flew. Last night, though, I think he did exactly what he intended to do. When I picked him up from the floor he was wagging his little red tail, and I think he was very pleased with himself!


So, my little monkey may be learning to fly. My dad's first reaction was to tell me to get him clipped, but that's not going to happen. We'll figure out a way to make it work. As Dorian would say, WhooHoo:woohoo:

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That is great! My Ecko just learned how to fly and he has become quite good at it. It is such a joy to watch him fly. This morning he was on his perch and I went to my room for a little and he flew to my room and landed right on me. I am surprised how he made the quick turns in the hallway to get to my room. Everyone keeps telling me to clip his wings too and I keep telling them I am very careful of my baby. You are going to have so much fun. Congrats! :)

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Thats a huge step forward for Dorian. I do hope that you are successful in letting his wings grow out so he can have the mode of transportation he was designed to use, flight.


He loves you so much. That was a very valiant effort on his part to to get to you. :-)


Thanks for sharing this story.

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