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I stay in India and I am seriously looking for birds of all kinds as I want to open a Zoo and I want the funds from the Zoo for the needy people of under-previleged......So anybody please please help me and let us contribute our efforts to humanity...as I do not have an import lincence and in India it is strictly prohibited to import them without it.......I will like to have only eggs as i will incubate in my small incubator ...i am particularly looking for macaw, amazons, electus and all kinds of pheasants....PLEASE HELP in some ways my mail id: jamirkilang@yahoo.com MR. kilang Jamir

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The US has strict export and import laws. Animals can't be shipped out of the US unless special licenses are issued quarantine standards are followed. Transporting eggs and or animals is only allowed with special permits and is only done by official conservation groups for endangered species. The general public can't be involved.

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All I can say is you won't find anyone here who will help you. Many of these species are on the endangered species list (CITES) and India has signed this agreement which means you will not be able to import or export endangered species, even eggs.

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Running a zoo as a visitor attraction is an excellent way to end up with a small fortune provided you start with a large fortune.:S

If you really want to earn funds for needy people you will stand a better chance buying a lottery ticket. Somehow I suspect you may not be sincere.

Either way the people here are no more likely to send you parrot eggs than they would send you their children.


Steve n Misty

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Kilang - What you are asking for is illegal, both in your country and ours. Nothing good is ever done for the "Good of the People" by someone wanting to perfom illegal actions and finding other unscrupulous criminals to assist them.


If you truly want to help the needy..... feed, cloth and give them the basics of life they need.

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thanks for all your suggestions...Hey..!! it really..touched me..I ordered some macaw birds from cameroon and I send some money in advance but I was cheated...they never send me anything...I am even ready to spend some money till now...but Neways...I will try it from Bangkok...or Mmalaysia..i think I have to order thru someone Have an Import Licence....Thank you everybody...

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Loved steves big fortune small fortune analogy. I nearly spit out my soda.

Im wondering how any of these posts could have "touched" Kilang. He must not have read them. Its really hard to read him after his last message. And what is he thanking us for? laughing at his idea or throwing his money away?

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HEY..friends...I think it is possible to send Macaw or pheasant eggs...I have ordered some weight loosing stuff from USA and i paid the postman the cost of those medicine..which I have ordered and the would probably reach the sender...can anybody make happen this way...??

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kilang wrote:

HEY..friends...I think it is possible to send Macaw or pheasant eggs...I have ordered some weight loosing stuff from USA and i paid the postman the cost of those medicine..which I have ordered and the would probably reach the sender...can anybody make happen this way...??


Give it up!!!


It is Illegal!!!


No bird loving or honest person will help you.


Please place an Ad in high crime areas like Chicago, new york etc. for "Professional criminal wanted" to illegally export bird eggs to India.


If you truly have the money to purchase these Egg's to help the poor children in India, Spend it on them and help them!! Otherwise, just get the hell off this Forum!!!:angry: :angry: :angry:

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I can't believe what I'm reading....I sincerely hope you're joking. If you didn't already know what a SCAM it is to even consider buying a bird from a place like Cameroon, then I have trouble believing that you even have the knowledge and experience necessary to keep these desired imports alive, let alone happy and healthy. Please find another way to help the needy... I'm sure that they would be much more appreciative of clothing, food, water, educational funding, etc. than the opportunity to PAY to oogle pretty and cute animals.


By trying to figure out a way to get AROUND the laws put in place to protect these species, you are in fact SUPPORTING the art of illegal trade.

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Really shouldn't worry about this. All boards get people like that. Been going on for years.

Remember that no one has the equipment to ship viable eggs anywhere overseas.

Also watch out for people who are asking for free birds. They usually have no funds to care for a bird and their only motive is to get birds and try to breed them for quantity profit. Just don't feel sorry for people like that cause there's places to get birds that are inexpensive and if they even afford those prices, they can't afford to keep any birds.

There's some slick people around with lots of tricks up their sleeves and some are very inventive.

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