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New cage :)


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I bought my baby a new cage. At least for now. I think this one is MUCH better and I LOVE the playtop on it. I have to get it home tomorrow an cleaned up and then start getting him used to it. I hope it is god enough to use for a while, I just happened upon a bargain. Here is a link to it, or one identical.




The one I got looked bigger but I am not sure that it is. What do you guys think? I am going to a bird fair in July and I will look again then and see if I find an even better one. But for now I think he will like this one :)

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Thank you all for the responses :) Here are some pictures of SZ in his new cage. He decided he would try it out this morning! I am so glad he did because I wanted him in it before Monday. Also, now I have to go move and rearrange stuff in it to make it comfy for him. It was hard to tell where to place perches etc without seeing him in it. Also, the perch that I took a close up of him standing on, is it too small for Greys? The perch that came in his old cage looked way too big and his feet looked too stretched all the time. Do I need to get a bigger one as he likes to stand in front of his food alot hehe New_Cage.jpg


Post edited by: Summerc25, at: 2009/04/26 16:09<br><br>Post edited by: Summerc25, at: 2009/04/26 16:39


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You don't have to apologize. All you're doing is showing how much you love SZ and that makes all of us happy for both of you.


As for perch sizes, it's best to use a wide variety of sizes and materials. Dorian has everything from 2" to 1/2" perches. Some are wood, some are rope, some are concrete . . . The variety gives him a break because he's not always holding his feet in the same way. Wooden dowels are ok for moving around the cage, but not ideal because they're too uniform in shape. I'm glad SZ is adjusting to his cage well. I just got Dorian a new cage and set it up last week, but he still hasn't been in it:unsure:

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Thats great and its just wonderful that Shaka Zulu took to it so Quickly he was probubly dieing to get out of that tiny clostraphobic space that he was in for so long. I think thats why Tyco took to her new cage so fast also she just wanted to get out of there so bad.

Shaka Zulu probubly thinks your the best Mom in the whole world. and he's right<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/04/26 17:32

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Awww thank you both :) I think I am going to run to the pet store and get a few more perches then. The wooden dowel things came with the cage. Should I take them out or leave them since he can use them to move around on? The concrete perch she had in his cage was probably 1.5 to 2 inches in Diameter but it was his only perch inside of the cage :( I am going to clean that one off well and then put it back in his cage. I thought it might be hurting his feet but now he has choices so he does not have to use it if it does :)

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Use the concrete perch, but don't make it the highest one inside the cage, or any other place he likes to sit for a long time. Dorian's concrete perch is outside his cage between where I sit and his boing. He sits on it for short periods of time, so I don't have to worry about his feet.

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That is a nice cage and since his old one was so small no wonder he took to this one so fast, I second the other's comments about the different size and material perches, it is better for their feet to use different diameter perches or their feet will suffer.


Thanks for sharing those pics with us.

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Summer I think I have that exact cage for my Amazon Fergie. When I bought it It was suposed to be for Tyco but when I brought it in Fergie flew onto it and checked it out everywhere and didn't want to leave it So I said ok you can have it I'll get another one for Tyco. So thats what I did. but Fergie loves her cage She climbs all over it and she is about the same size as a African Grey She weighs about 450grams

So I think your Shaka Zulu will be very happy in a cage that size.

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