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just curious


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There is no grey with that classification. Jaco is the name of a grey that was featured somewhere in a magazine a while back.

It also applies to some red factor greys which can be seen by typing in RED FACTOR GREY where it says SEARCH FORUM above<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/04/25 05:59

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lol..no, I am not... I actually ruled out greys, ( needed more of a family bird..not one who will pick one or two that they like) Then this one breeder I called a while ago called me last night and told me she had jaco's and they were the largest of the congo's, but they were different in temperament. I started a search on line and could not find any thing, so I posted here. I have a post called change of heart about not getting a grey thats explains it all...then we took an eclectus home, he constantly bit me. After a week, I had to bring him back. The owner told me to get this baby eleanora 'too'..he said they are not like the others that are larger in size and is a great bird if you do not spoil them...it is tempting, but I am nervous with a too even though I think they are great birds..but there are many down sides to them as well... trying to figure it all out... I really want a baby SI ekkie.. but after being bit, I see how they can pick favorites and not like others (like me)


Ann Marie

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after breeding for 30 something years I don't see how she could of read this on the internet... I mis-spelled it , she just said the name.


Does any of you know if there is a larger species of AG that she may be talking about?


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honestly annmarie i would read a few more books before diving into another bird. Birds bite, but most times its not their fault. You said the bird was constantly biting you and you only had the bird for a week. you and the bird didnt even have enough time to learn each other. If you take the time to learn the bird before you do heavy duty handling, you will do better in the future. Your bird should not have had a chance to constantly bite you. I recommend a parakeet or perhaps a cockatiel for your first bird.

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Annmarie here is a website about "toos" it's a good article and she is an awesome woman. She tells you the real truth about these beauties here it is:




So if you want one them do ALOT of research and read read read, join other forums too and talk to some too owners. They personally aren't for me with the noise, the clinginess, etc.. they may be very well for you. Birdchannel.com has a forum over there too that talks about Toos. Good luck on whatever you decide....

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Sorry you must have misunderstood...this is not our first bird..had budgies & tiels..grew up with parrots...it is much to long to write the entire story, but this one bird had issues for sure..this was not the normal fear biting at all... I was told by breeders and a behavior specialist I had talked with to bring him back... I doubt he was a baby either.


A parrot is a life long commitment and it will take a while to find the right fit.



Ann Marie

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oh how I love those faces..hehe! I am not getting a too... I have been on that web site and all I can say is WOW! I also read so much and as much as they are lovable, there is the other side. I know for a fact I will not be able to handle that...


one thing I have learned is a parrot no matter what species may not like everyone... I guess that was really wishful thinking on my part, but one person they have to like around here is me...the main caregiver :) Our friends have greys.. now here is a bird that is known to pick one or two people they like.. I have also learned that if you get them as babies just weaned and everyone holds and loves the bird, he will accept his 'flock' but will still have his favorite.



As far as that ekkie goes, that bird had issues..it was not fear biting, it was way beyond that.



I love the pictures of your babies, melts my heart every time! can't wait for them to come home!


Ann Marie

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Aww thanks Ann Marie you are so sweet! I can't wait to see them and for them to meet my kids, other animals and my partner.


Whatever you choose to add to your family I stand behind you every animal has issues and that's for sure. We have a cat and he loves everyone BUT loves me to death. When im crying or upset he's right there by my side, when I get home he looks at me, when I wake up he gives me a " Meow" lol does he do that for anyone else? ummm.... NOPE! lol We love him just the same and we have a Shih Tzu who loves all of us but ADORES my baby girl that's her best friend. So I think it's going to be fun to see whom they love and man there gonna be spoiled! lol

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Hi Carol


I am so happy for you! They are just precious and they shine health, I love them to pieces! We have a shih tzu also, she is just a baby, will be 7 months in May and she is a doll...and two maltese's. They love all of us, but me the most..I am the hand who feeds them..lol!


I feel so much better I realized how difficult a too can be. I can see it working with those who live in warm climates and have an out door aviary (and no near by neighbors.. lol) It’s a shame there is two sides of them because they are very nice birds. The ekkie found a wonderful forever home, I was so happy to hear!! We were there today and I talked to the owner about the too.. he is such a great guy and didn’t up set him at all. They had four baby greys, 4 weeks old … after getting a much clearer picture than I first had, we might take one! I did not jump into it yet, I will really have to give it more thought.. funny how I am going back to the first bird we wanted. It will be nice to feel settled and look forward to having a new baby home. My daughter played with a baby sun conure and fell in love with him/her…. She begged for me to take him home, but I didn’t. She has a cockatiel and now she wants another. .I guess birds are addicting !


Keep me posted on your babies… when do you expect to bring them home?? What age do they normally wean? Hang in there!!!


Ann Marie

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Lol@ the hands that feed them, yu sound like me lol. That's awesome that the Ekkie found a home. I know that alot of people have rehomed older Greys as well as other birds, I chose to have babies instead but that's me. Aww *whispering* do what you feel is right :) My breeders breeds Suns also too.


I will send you a PM


I am not sure when there coming home just yet, Tina wants them to fly, be fully feathered and eating 100% on there own without losing a great deal of weight before they come home. I am in no hurry lol I just want what's best for them.


Weaning is varied some breeders say 12 weeks others say 16 weeks, I think it's up to the birds and there breeders when they feel they should come home. I did NOT want to handfeed I'll leave that up to the professionals. I was going to buy this one baby grey and the breeders wanted me to hand feed him once at night :ohmy: I am NOT ready for that so in addition to that and other options I changed my mind and went with Tina. It's on my tagline called " Changed my mind" you should read it. People seem great online untill you start reading the small print and getting that "gut" feeling of what's right in YOUR heart.. I'm a chatty patty today lol but check it out.<br><br>Post edited by: CarolandFamily, at: 2009/04/28 13:08

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