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Training an older bird with a mind of his own


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Looking for some starters to get a little closer with my bird.


Background info.


I inherited Bogart form my Uncle when he passed. Bogie has been with me for about 10 years. He is a 27 year old Timneh with a mind of his own. Confined to his cage most of the time he will offer his head to be scratched sometimes and likes it and others it is a ploy to get your fingers close enough to snap. He talks up a storm and picks up words very easily. Overall seams to be happy with his routine but I feel his life cold be greatly enriched with more human interaction.


If I have left anything out let me know and please any and all advice is greatly welcome.


Mark & Bogart

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Much of what he's doing is normal considering that he's been confined for a long time. Right now, that cage is his home/castle which he''l protect when he wants to. You didn't say whether you let him out of his cage but when you have a bird that has complete control of everything in that cage including the ability to bite you then many things can be done with a bird when they're away from the cage. You didn't say whether you use a playstand but that item lets a bird become more relaxed and more open to people and to toys. You didn't say what kind of toys he has but he should have toys that he can get extremely aggressive with such as a heavy duty bell plus other items that he can destroy such as wood.

Some birds simply can't be dealt with when they're in their cages and that also applies to much younger birds too. Dealing with him in a more relaxed way will help with human interaction. It will also give you the ability to simply walk away when he's thinking about biting yopu. greys give off warning signs when they're about to do that and the only thing you need to check out is our BODY LANGUAGE posts to get an idea of what I'm talking about. I have older birds including a TAG that's 14 yrs old. I got him when he was 8 1/2 yrs old and he was pure aggression all the time. It took quite a while but he's made a big change.

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Every once and a while He will get on top of his cage but not often. The few times he has escaped the cage and waltzed out into the living room he stepped up onto a dowel fairly easy. He dosent have a play stand but I will be looking to buy or make one. I have already read through the Body Language thread, and it is very helpful. In his cage are many toys. I actually think there are too many to be honest. I will get some pictures of him when it isnt bed time.<br><br>Post edited by: Wolfgang, at: 2009/04/25 05:02

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Started clicker training him today and apparently he just needed some out of cage time and some attention. He was a very good bird today. Started with clicker recognition and actually broke the touch barrier. he let me scratch his head while he was on top of his cage. A few times it looked like he wanted me to pick him up but lets not move too fast.

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