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Hello, I am Mark. My Timna Grey's name is Bogart or Bogie for short. He was my Uncles bird for most of his life and when my Uncle passed. I inherited Bogie. He is currently 27 years old 7 years older than me, and has been with me for 10 years. Unfortunately he has been in his cage most his life and is very temperamental. Hopefully over the next few years I will be able to socialize him a little more. If you have any questions or suggestions please let me know. I would love to hear them.




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Welcome Mark and Bogie!!


Were you involved in Bogies life before inheriting him? Did your uncle let him out of the cage and interact with him much?


The answers to these questions will determine how long it may take to get him used to having freedom and socialization with humans at a very close and personal level.


Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)

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Hello Mark and welcome to the forum! I think that is so cool that Bogie is 7 years older than you. Does he talk good? Or do any cool mimics? Has he bonded with anybody in the past 10 years? Anyways, I look forward to hearing more about you and Bogie. Enjoy the site. :)<br><br>Post edited by: caitb2007, at: 2009/04/25 17:23

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Hello Mark and welcome to the family, so glad you found us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Bogart or Bogie as you call him.


Thats wonderful that you inherited your uncle's grey and that is neat that he is older than you are but I am saddened to hear he was kept in his cage most of the time. As I am sure you have found out if you didn't already know, greys do require some time out of their cage daily and some interaction with their flock (humans and/or other birds) or they develop unwanted behaviors.


Understand that this will take time but you should be able to get Bogie to be a little more sociable but don't expect great miracles for he is set in his ways by his age.


Be sure to read thru the many threads for you will find lots of useful information and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


We love pictures here so if you have any of Bogie you would share with us we would appreciate it very much.

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Hello Mark. This sounds like a very interesting,long term challenge.Dont expect things to change fast.A lot will depend on Bogies past and how much interaction with people he has had.I am sure as you read through the many threads hear you will be aware how important out of cage time and companionship is to a grey.Through joining us hear you have made a very important start in the rehabilitation of your grey. Ask any questions you have and we will do our best to help.

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Well I have always been in his life. My uncle always yelled at me when I went near his cage. "Get away from there he will bite you!" And for the most part I agree he would have. He tolerates my father most of the time. And will sit on his hand for short periods of time. Currently I am looking for a out of cage perch to get him out more (are there safe woods to build one out of). A breeder friend of mind said to start hand feeding him and so far it has been easy today. I first started feeding him through the cage then opend the door and put my hand in the cage to feed him with no ill affects. No threatened behavior or attempts to bite. It was a little nerve racking but I already am a little more confident with him. Here is a picture of him. He absolutely hated the camera so I wont be taking many more soon. thanks for all the welcomes and good wishes. All I have is time and I do NOT plan on rushing anything.



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He is a wonderful talker. He picks up new words in a min of 2 days and loves to whistle the Super Mario brothers theme sing. With my uncle if no one was around he would be let on top of the cage for most of the day then my uncles roommate would have to put him back in the cage at night with the towel method. Which im sure is why Bogey hated that man with a passion. currently his beak is very sharp and not aligned so the vet may have to come soon. It dosent affect his eating or movement though so maybe Ill leave it alone. One of the funniest things he does is if we are having a party and everyone at the table starts to laugh, he joins us by saying "heh heh heh Oooooh Dear"<br><br>Post edited by: Wolfgang, at: 2009/04/25 21:12

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His beak is chipped on one side from the way he climbs his cage. The Vet will be comming to the house soon. As for the red feathers. His tail has always been red (except when he plucked himself naked) the ones on the chest have been there for a couple years now. Never when he was at my uncles.

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Nice pic of Bogie. It's neat seeing a red factor Timneh. Can't say I've ever seen one before. He looks quite good but I'll be curious to see if the vet suggests a beak trimming.


The fact he was tolerating you putting your hand in the cage is a good sign as fearful Grey's can be quite defensive when in their cage. These guys are very smart and I'm of the belief that with compassion and patience, progress can be made in forming a bond between you two. These are social birds and I think they have a great need for companionship as many animals do. By being predictable, kind, tolerant and gentle even abused animals can be brought out their shells. Some learned behavior mayu never change after all these years but he's bound to improve. Just go slow.


Thanks for sharing the pictures and his story.



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the vet comes to our house and trims it when it gets bad like this. his tail and wing feathers are looking pretty ragged too. When I started giving him sunflower seeds he was stretching one wing and one leg then the other. Kind of neat to know there is something behind that now.


I talked to my Dad and worked out a schedule of sorts. He cleans the papers and I feed him and give him water.


We never bathe him per se. He will just splash in his water bowl. I assume more baths will help his feathers? He is currently on a seed and pellet diet but after reading some recipes on here I wold like to see if he would like.


I know I have lots of questions and there is lots of info and suggestions on here but I will not be altering any routine drasticly. Thanks for all the help suggestions, and good wishes. :-)

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You really need to try to get him on more vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes and some pastas and rices, he needs a more well balanced diet than those seeds and pellets. The pellets are good for him but should not constitute his entire diet along with only seeds. Try offering him some vegetables and such in small amounts every day and even if he doesn't eat them give them to him every day for sometimes they will eventually try them, at least you will have tried.


The bathing will help his feathers along with his skin, their skin can get dry and then it gets itchy, if you can get some aloe vera juice and spray him with that it will help a lot.

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Thanks Judy. I am currently figguring out his favorite foods. Sofar he likes sunflower seeds better then peanuts and apples better than grapes.


Today we also started clicker training and it went very well. Within 10 mins everytime he heard a click his head would move and look at it. When I wasnt paying attention he actually stole the clicker out of my hand. Towards the end of our session I started trying to make contact. first touching his toes then clicking and rewarding him. By the end He was presenting the top of his head to me feathers all fluffed up and I actually pet his head for the first time in about 8 years. It really felt good. After a couple trys at that he would just present his head and not take the sunflower seed. Im so excited.

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Thats great Mark but don't be surprised if you experience a little setback from time to time as that is going to happen but you are making progress that will go a long way in him trusting you, small steps toward a bigger victory.


I've never tried clicker training but thats great that you have found success with it.

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We all have setbacks. Like you said small steps to a big victory. That is the approach we will be going for.


A few times during the petting he would lift one foot. like he wanted up but in due time. I didn't try that today.

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Hey Mark, welcome to the forum. Bogie sure is a pretty timneh! It sounds like you are doing a wonderful job trying to get him used to you and improving his overall life. I'm so happy you are giving him a chance at a better existance.

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Thats wonderful that your trying to get him more used to you touching and interacting with him. He's known you all your life which is going to go a long wayin your favor. he already knows what kind of person you are and this is good I don't think you will have much trouble as long as you are consistant with everything. welcome to the grey family I love the red factor in you Grey by the way thats rare for a Timnah.

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