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Elmo's first outing!


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I am so impressed with Elmo! He is such a laid back little chap. He is only 11 weeks old and already he is stepping up and down beautifully, playing with his toys and allowing us to do pretty much as we wish with him.

We have only had him a week and have been touching him with the aviator harness with no complaints from him so decided to put it on him today. He was so obliging! We went out in the garden and he enjoyed having a wander round and pecking at the grass. What a star:-)


We took him for a well bird check at the vets the other too. Too be honest I was surprised at how little the vet actually checked. However she said he looked a lovely healthy bird with a great attitude and she gave us some advice on wing and claw clipping etc.. Dont know that is was really worth the £82.00 :-/

Anyway he is well and happy. That is all that matters.

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Hi there Judenmink.. Frank here.. Thanks for joining.. We are as excited as you are about your new baby. I am sorry you are having problems uploading your photos.. If you email me your photos I will put them up for you...


If you need anything contact me..

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Guest briansmum

what lovely photos of a lovely grey, he sounds an absolute sweetheart. though i would not be surprised if over the next few weeks he gets a bit more stubborn with some things. i don't mean to be negative :) my grey was soooo easy going a few weeks ago and he's just taken a dislikeing to his daddy :( for no reason at all.


glad to hear all was well with the wellbird check. my trip cost me £182... but i had Brian tested for beak and feather disease too, just to be on the safe side... which leads me to another point, where in the UK are you?

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Congratulations And Welcome here! He sounds like a wonderful grey. Our grey was young and acted alot like yours. She's still lots of fun! I don't think you have to worry too much about his temperment changing. Sounds like he's adjusting well! :) :)

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Guest Monique

Hi - welcome to our board!!! Wow - your vet charges a lot compared to mine!! That is about $120 US Dollars and mine charged me $30 for the last beak/toenail trimming! We do not bring our birds in for yearly exams or anything (as you would a cat) only if we need beak or nails trimmed. I know some people even do that themselves. I hope you enjoy it here!!!! :)

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I am in North Norfolk Beccy.

I think the charges for vets vary such a lot depending on whether you see an avian specialist or not. If I had taken Elmo to our normal vet where I take the dogs and cats no doubt it would have been loads cheaper.

I will be doing any future wing and nail clipping myself. Maybe I will wear a disguise so Elmo doesnt recognise me as the 'bad guy'!


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Guest briansmum

i registered brian with a proper avian vet too.. and the closest one to me is almost and hours drive away! it is worth it though to know the person handling your baby knows exactly what he's doing.

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