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Its true my 8 year-old pug, Lily, might be allergic to Ana Grey! Or at least allergic to her dander. Lily has been having trouble breathing for a while so I took her to her life-long vet. As a precaution she is getting an antibiotic in case it is a lung infection and Termaril-P in case it is an allergy. This is a condition Lily has never had before and it started after Ana Grey came to live with us. Of course I am hoping that everything will clear up after these two treatments are completed. This is hard for me to believe because I bathe and spray Ana Grey with water/aloe vera and clean her cage and room every night. I live alone so this is easy for me to do, no other obligations but my two babies. Lily is with me almost constantly and Ana Grey is only apart when she is sleeping. I don't know what I would do if I had to separate my two little ladies!! Fingers crossed the meds will clear everything up!!!

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If it does turn out to be an alergy to Ana mabie the Doctor can suggest a once a day antihistemine for her that might help I am somewhat alergic to the dander as well and I find with two air cleaners and a antihistimine I do just fine. There is no way I'm about to give up my baby's because of some stupid alergy. Good luck I hope the meds clear this up for you and you baby's sake.

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Thanks Jen, Catlin and Pat. I have already picked up an air cleaner in hopes that helps. Lily is eating better so hopefully the meds will fix her up!! I would never give up my girls but I would sure hate to have to keep them apart and have only one on one time with each separately.



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Lily is 8 years old so perhaps she is just getting old. But she doesn't have skin problems of which I am grateful and she usually only has trouble breathing if it is hot. I basically put in my heat pump because Lily has problems if it is too hot. Spoiled puppy, absolutely. I love her to pieces. She is eating more and wanting to play more so I am hoping it was an infection that will clear up. Thanks everyone for your kind words and good wishes. thFingers_Crossed_emoticon.gif

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Last night Lily, the pug, was breathing raggedly so first thing this morning I called her vet and renewed her Temaril-P. Within a hour she was breathing so much better so we'll try this dose for 10 days then see where we are. I'm so happy Eclectus parrots don't have dander!!!:)

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The meds work for Lily within an hour of receiving them> She is fine this morning; no breathing problems. So Lily is allergic to something, since Ana Grey is the only new thing in the house, I can only assume it is her dander. If this second round of meds doesn't keep Lily clog free then I will re-arrange the rooms so that my office is then Ana Grey free and Ana Grey and Sully (Solomon) are placed in a new bird room (2nd bedroom). I'm glad Sully is dander free!!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I had to take Lily to the vet again today. Last night she was so congested and did a lot of gagging so I took her in on a walk in basis because I just cannot lose my little pug. They did X-rays and Lily has an enlarged heart and her lungs are full of fluid. They give my Lily a shot to easy the fluid in her lungs and some heart meds and diuretics to help reduce the fluid. At this point their are not sure if Lily also has allergies and the fluid in her lungs is due to that or her enlarged heart. I am devastated as I cannot lose either one of my babies. I just won't!!! :angry:

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