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New CAG owner

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Hello all!

I’m so excited that I have a new member to my family. Kiki, my CAG is the newest member of my household of three Pomeranians, two cats’, 180 gallon fish aquarium with African Cichlids and four parakeets. Not too mention that we feed the birds and other critters out side and I have a husband. We have had Kiki 5 days. I am so worried that I will not be a great mom after reading the WWW there is so much info out there is scares me.

I look forward to reading up on the site. It will take me a while to read it all, I have a 40 hour work week, and very busy when I get home. I hope I will get encouraging responses with valuable info. I will upload a photo as soon as I can. My husband a lung disease, Kiki is very dusty; He will be nine months old on the first of August. I have read the info on bathing a grey. I guess I will try to introduce him to a bath this weekend. I have found that he or she really loves carrots, is too many bad?

In about three months I will bring back to the pet store where i bought him and have his wings cliped and toes trimed and tested for his DNA. I really want to know if he is a he/she.

Thanks for reading.


Pam and Kiki

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I hope your husband doesn't have to man problems with dander at time it can get excessive. an aircleaner will help alot if it bothers him. how old is kiki? Why do you have to wait 3months to have DNA testing done I had Adaya tested at 6 weeks old.Welcome to the family we love new members. Why don't you introduce yourself in the wecome room and mabi post some pictures of your baby we love pictures and videos.

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Congratulations on your newest family member. Greys really have a way of stealing your heart.


We're happy to help with any sort of questions and issues you may face.


As far as the dust goes, bathing is good of course. I also highly recommend getting a really good HEPA air filter, or several, for any rooms where the birds will spend time in. You may end up paying several hundreds of dollars in filters, but it will be worth it to help keep the air (and lungs breathing that air) clean.

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Hello Pam and welcome to the family, so glad you found us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Kiki.


You have quite a collection of pets, I am sure they keep you busy but they provide much enjoyment and pets are good for our well being, we are happier when we are surrounded with these creatures.


I am sorry your husband suffers with a lung disease but others have given you some excellent advice on air cleaners, I would check into them to see which is best for you and your situation.


I know you find conflicting information on the net but we won't steer you wrong here, we have many knowledgeable members who either have many greys or have had greys for many years and we count on them to give us good advice.


Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


We absolutely love pictures here so if you have some of Kiki you would share with us we would be most grateful.

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Well I dont really have to wait, but I bought him/her from a pet store, who agreed to pay for his DNA, Kiki had his wings clipped about a month ago, I'm waiting till his wings and toe nails need cliped again, then we will do the dna. I really belive that Kiki is a Girl, I read that if the tail fethers have a silver tip that its a girl. I'm really exceited I have responses so fast. Thanks.

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"180 gallon fish aquarium with African Cichlids and four parakeets"


This part concerns me a little bit. I'm sure the parakeets would be much happier in a cage instead of an aquarium. :P


Seriously though, welcome aboard. I think you will make a great mummy. The mere fact that you are concerned that you won't and the reading you've been doing tell me you'll be fine.

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Have you considered allowing Kiki's wings to grow out and allow him/her to fly? A lot of us leave the flight feathers unclipped or are allowing them to grow out from a previous clip for we feel the birds are happier when allowed to fly. Maybe you have valid reasons for clipping but if not please at least consider it.

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Welcome Pam & Kiki! {Feel-good-00020114}


I am a relative newbie too, and I LOVE this place! You will too. There is endless information here, and so much guidence from those that are so kind to share all that they know.


It sounds like you have a very busy life/house already. Wow. Superwoman! :)


I am a new Grey mama as well to Mesa, and it can be overwhelming, you are in good hands here. I find you have to take 100% of what you read online, and find the average.


Again, WELCOME!!

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Welcome Pam, Kiki and the rest of the flock!!


It's GreYt having you here. You'll find tons of useful information here and if you have any questions in need of an answer, just post and others will respond as you have already observed.


Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)

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