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Chimay's keeping me honest


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We introduced Chimay to his sleeping cage about 1 week ago, and he is doing so GREAT!!! At first he wasn't sure about it, and I'd have to cuddle him for a little bit to get him sleepy before going in for bedtime. As of last night, he is VERY used to it.


Last night, he was up about 20 minutes past his bedtime. I went to the bedroom cage and started changing the water/pellets/paper. When I picked him up and told him to "say goodnight to daddy," turning him towards my boyf, he took off down the hallway, landed in front of the bedroom door and looked up at me as if to say "Well? What are you waiting for?? I'm late for BEDTIME!!!"


Ha ha! Now THAT is one major difference between our Chimay and a toddler....he WANTS to go to bed ON TIME!! I know better now. Lol!

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He just might do that!


Josey will go inside her cage if she is on the playtop and wait for me to come and close her in and cover her but if she is on another playstand then she just waits until I put her in her cage, she just kind of goes with the flow.

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Tycos the same way if its past bedtime even by 5 minutes Tyco will start saying night night until I tuk her in and kiss her good night. what I'd like to know is who taught her how to tell time because she knows precicly when it 9:00pm and thats bedtime and the night nights begin.

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Schrodinger is on schedule like that too... around 7 she'll start saying "good night"..... "good night".... "good night".... until I take her back to the cage. Sometimes she'll wait for 7:30 or 8 but she'll start to get cranky if I don't put her to bed.

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